Beaches and Coastlines - Hive Stock Images

Recently you can see more and more posts with the headline hive stock images. Behind this is a great initiative that should encourage us hive users to use pictures of other hive users for their blog posts instead of downloading pictures from one of the many stock image websites.

Please read here if you want to know more

Seit kurzem sieht man immer mehr posts mit der headline hive stock images. dahinter steckt eine tolle initiative die uns hive Nutzer dazu animieren soll Bilder anderer hive user für ihre blog Beiträge zu nutzen anstatt sich Bilder von einer der vielen Stock Image Seiten zu downloaden.

Bitte lesen Sie hier, wenn Sie mehr wissen möchten

View onto Coolum Beach, Sunshine Coast, Queensland

Since I have a lot of pictures of beaches and coasts from my past travels through Australia, I would like to make them freely available here in the community. As a recognition of the possible use of my pictures, it would be great if you mention me in the post in which you use them. Or even better to link this post, so others have direct access to the pictures.

Da ich von meinen vergangen Reisen durch Australien jede Menge Bilder von Stränden und Küsten habe, möchte ich diese hier in der community zur freien Verfügung stellen. Als Anerkennung für die Nutzung meiner Bilder wäre es toll mich in dem Post, in dem sie verwendet werden zu erwähnen. Oder noch besser, diesen Post zu verlinken, so haben andere direkten Zugriff auf die Bilder.

Three Sisters near Broken Head Beach, New South Wales

Kings Beach and Broken Head just a few steps further from the Three Sisters

Miami Beach with the Skyline of Surfers Paradise in the back, Queensland

Granite Bay in the Noosa Nationalpark, Queensland

View from the Byron Bay Lighthouse on Tallow Beach, New South Wales

Lonely Beach near Pottsville, New South Wales

Froggy Beach and Snapper Rocks directly at the Border between NSW and QLD

These images are freely available and may only be used here on Hive.

Diese Bilder stehen zur freien verfügung und dürfen nur hier auf Hive verwendet werden.


HIVE Photography.png


@tipu curate

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 16/45)

thanks, appreciate your support! :)

That's absolutely beautiful!

Thank you, glad you like the photos. What Beach would be your favorite?

Look at all that ugly aquamarine water!!! :D

I think the Miami Beach shot is my fave.

True, that´s why we left Australia, couldn´t stand it anymore. Disgusting!

I like that shot as well, but for the beach itself, it is definitely Granite Bay. Anyway, I prefer muddy water. :)

I have no idea of the names of beaches in that area - I have only been to the GC once in my life. A pretty place, but I prefer the laidback nature of Cairns.

no wonder with over 10,000 beaches in Australia. GC has beautiful beaches but I do like the north as well, you just got to be careful in the water up there. 😬

Did you happen to see the news of the large croc at Palm Cove the other day? :D

No haven´t seen anything, need to check the news, but we got friends who are up there at the moment.

Durn! Hard to pick a favourite, although you certainly choose well for with the first picture as the thumbnail.

Thanks. I do like the thumbnail photo as well, definitely one of the better shots.

Spectacular show of beaches from Australia and you even got my home town beach in there Byron Bay what a town have traveled quite a bit of Australia i see good on you mate 😅