Photos of Slovenia

in Stock Images4 years ago


Today I will share my homeland beauties in this community for the first time. I published quite a few posts from my beautiful Slovenia in Haveyoubeenhere community, Travelfeed community and Photography Lovers community, but this time I would be happy to share following images with you and feel free to use them to promote my home country wherever you can :)









Ma super. Vrhunske. Brez pripomb. Predvidevam da ni s telefonom. Jaz samo še telefon uporabljam. 📷👏😎

Hvala :)
Tu je pol pol. Nekaj telefon nekaj fotoaparat. Ko se nekam odpravim z namenom fotografiranja uzamem fotoaparat, kar je cca. 5-10 krat letno in takrat naredim kar precej fotk. Iz enega potovanja tudi tam čez 5000. Sicer pa 99% časa telefon. Zelo priročno in zadovoljiva kvaliteta.

Is it Bled island in that one in the middle (5th from top)?

Jp, great observing :)

Gorgeous. Excited to see it someday.

Great photos @crazy-andy! Nature at its best. Hopefully, Ill go for the ex-Yu tour next year. I always wanted to see Postojnska Jama.
Keep up the good work. Cheers!

Ex-Yu tour have to be amazing!
I did few trips for serveral days, but not the big tour. When children will grow a bit it will be first bigger travel for them I am sure.

Spectacular photography i love them all they are great postcard images to promote your home country 👍

Thanks man. I thought it might be boring already as I shared quite a lot from Slovenia this summer :)

Never boring they are all different landscapes and amazing 👍