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RE: Hive Stock Images - Needlework Images - Threads, Buttons, Denim Sewing

in Stock Images4 years ago

Yay! I’m so glad to see more needlework images being added! Such pretty threads and buttons. Nice angles you took ;)

I agree that sometimes needlework images are needed for freewrites, poems, stories etc. It would be nice to see these used on the chain.

Thanks for sharing and adding to the index ~


Thank you so much my dear friend, I'm glad you like them. I've promised myself I'll take some photos as there aren't many at the moment and here I am.
Most likely there will be another post with different photos in the near future 😊

You’re very welcome! Keep them coming ;)

I plan to add some more of crochet and knitting tools (hooks, needles etc). You just never know who may need an image ~