Hive Stock Images - Pink Cherry Blossom

in Stock Images3 years ago

It's been a couple of weeks since my last photo post, so here is another one. I've been keeping an eye on the fruit trees and not only, to see when it's the blossoming time and the time has finally come. So I'd like to share my photos with the Hive community so anyone can use it freely.


One of the trees I've been monitoring has been the wild cherry tree, which has these lovely pink flower blossoms and when it's blossoming, you can't take your eyes off it.


This one is right next to a busy road and sometimes it's full of dust but now with the pandemic a lot of things have changed and traffic seems to be less as we do a lot of things from home.


The problem is they are cutting the branches every day and as the trees are getting taller, the lower branches are getting higher, out of reach and photographing is made difficult.


The other impediment this year was the lack of sunshine. I was looking forward to some nice, sunny days to be able to do a photo shoot. One day was raining, the next day was raining, then it was overcast, then when the sun was out, I rushed out and when i got there it was overcast again, so it wasn't easy at all.












This is if doe today, stay tuned for the magnolia series.

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What a beautiful flower, besides being perfect for the camera. What a nice job you have done, thanks for sharing it.

Thank you very much, I'm glad you like it!


There has already been too much ENGAGE today.

That's a pretty cherry tree. I'm not sure we have it in the UK. I've not seen it at least. 😊

Posted via

Thank you Gillian, it is indeed a lovely tree. And sorry for the late reply.


There has already been too much ENGAGE today.