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RE: Images and Ideas Challenge, Hive to be won and this round's winner

in Stock Imageslast year (edited)

Thank you!
I think this place (and a few others around) really offers challenges and practical help to the Hive community with the image archive.
It is inspiring to be able to create images by going along with the requests (often, really difficult especially creating 3D scenes).
And I have no intention of resorting to artificial images from "artificial intelligences." They add nothing to my work as they are not a personal product.
(If I use AI I don't get compliments, and if the image is ugly I don't get criticism. The result is not mine).

Well, I think the main reason is the lack of detail in the requests.
It represents the real challenge because you have to create images that are also usable by the community.
For example:
number 1. "Futuristic"...the first thing that comes to my mind is the most ordinary, the skyline of a megalopolis of the future. It would be a typical 3D scene and probably would be very usable for Hivers' blogs.
Yet would it be too obvious a choice?

number 2. and number 3. lead me to think of more abstract scenes but I am not sure for their usability, in the photo archive.

The real challenge. I hope to come up with something good.
Thanks again 😀


This is great feedback and I'm sorry I took so long to get back to you. I must have missed the notification.

Obvious choices are probably a good thing. I think we all get similar images come to mind when we blog about certain things, so that would likely be what we would look for.

With regards mind, you're right that I should probably have added something more to go with. I was hoping less would get people being more creative. 😉 I read a lot of posts which talk about the mind in regards mental health and psychology, so that's what made me put that topic prompt in.