Hive Stock Images - "The Colorful Elastic Hair Tie" | Original Content

in Stock Images2 years ago (edited)

Hello there Hiveans! Glad to see you guys again on the Hive Stock Images Community... ^_^

Before we go to the entry, first of all, I just wanna say many thanks for @minismallholding, @crosheille, @christopher2002, @kattycrochet, @action-chain, for all of Hive Stock Images Communities team and all other parties who have been involved... 🤗

Thanks for the hard work on developing the Hive Discover - Hive Stock Images Search Engine... I've visited the website and I found it absolutely awesome! because there will be so many people and Hiveans who will be helped to find the stock images they need on the website... ^_^ I really happy for it... and for those of you who want to visit the website, please hit the link


Alright, now let's see what I have to share with you guys today, hmm ^^ ...
Okay, on this beautiful day, I'm gonna show something new for you guys, a little thing that you might have at home that is very useful for those of you who have long hair, and yes! it's "Small Elastic Hair Tie"... ^




This Elastic Hair Tie belongs to my nephew, she has a large collection of these items in various colors... when I saw some Elastic Hair Ties lying on the table, it inspired me to take pictures and share this content with all of you here... ^_^




This Elastic Hair Tie has a very elastic texture and is quite small in size, only about 2 centimeters in diameter... But these Elastic Hair Ties look even more attractive because they are available in a variety of striking colors, such as red, yellow, black, blue, green , and other bright colors...





So, for those of you who want to have some Elastic Hair Tie like this, you can buy it in many places, either in malls, children's shops, or you can buy it on online market place platforms... just type in the keyword "Small Elastic Hair Tie" in the searching column, then you will find a variety of interesting Elastic Hair Ties... ^_^





CameraSamsung Galaxy S7 Edge
Extra toolMacro Lens
Photography ObjectThe Elastic Hair Tie
Software EditingPicsArt

Finally, thanks for reading my post ^_^ I hope you guys love it...
See you on the next challenge and having a great day everyone!

Love and Peace @ipul27 ✌🏻^_^

#hair #tie #band #accessories


Love the pictures and thank you for starting to use the tags. It's just highlighted something that I didn't think to mention and that is that the search feature won't recognise words put together, so we need to use single words. This is rather hard in this case, given the content, so could be a challenge. You can update if you can think of some new search terms by adding the !update-stock-image-tags comment. Perhaps #hair and #tie as separate words?

There are some question and answers happening in the discord if you want to drop in.

I see... Thank you so much for the help @minismallholding, ^^ I find your advice very helpful... at first I was a little difficult to add tags with this new system... but now I understand, of course I'll fix the post as soon as possible... ^^

have a nice day~

It's a learning curve at the moment. Christopher says separate words is good.

Sure, I think it's gonna be good... ^_^

I’m glad you like the new developments that are underway. Thank you for adding the tags to your post.

The bright colors of the bands got my attention, I love bright and vibrant colors. These will be a nice addition to the index ;)

Thanks a bunch @crosheille ^^ I'm also really happy to be able to post something colorful in this community... ^^ and yes, I really appreciate the development, it's really great!, a very interesting new experience when browsing the images on the search engine... I totally like it~

Yay! 🤗
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Sure, they are gonna love it... ^_^ thanks for stopping by~👊🏻