It's not a stack of pencils, But it's a creativity.

in Stock Images2 years ago (edited)


Hello friends of the #stockimage community, today I want to share a picture of a beautiful work from a waterboom swimming pool.
So since today is a holiday, my friend and I decided to go swimming in a swimming pool which is quite far from where I live.
Arriving there I parked the motorbike and paid for the entrance ticket, I saw the atmosphere in the waterboom environment. There I got a photo spot for visitors to the waterboom bath, now this is where I found the photos that I share now.


You can see this is wood sharpened in a pencil shape and colored in various colors and so beautiful.
This place is usually used as a background by visitors to tourist attractions to take pictures. Very beautiful isn't it, hope you like it? Haha


This is the back view of the photo background, and the color pattern is different from the front like the previous photo.
So here's the photo I'm sharing this time.



So long ago for my post this time, I'm sorry if there were any errors and shortcomings of my post In this community.
I hope my friends like him.