in Stock Images3 years ago

Hello art lovers// @stockimages community!

This is my first post in this community and I am happy to share with you one of my paintings I created a while ago.
This is a painting I made on a canvas, solely using Acrylic paint.
I love painting with lots of colors, and this particular piece was made with having no clue what to paint in the first place. I believe when I paint, the subject and content just flows out of me. It is rather a mirror of how I feel and what I have experienced, and this has been painted in a time of my life where I was immersed in a relationship with someone where things didn't always go smoothly between the two of us. The painting speaks a lot to me and has a deep meaning to what I have experienced during that relationship. However, even if it was often tears and hurt feelings, I appreciate the experience and the person who was a part of my life for the time being!

Art is a beautiful way to express your innermost feelings and visions!

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