Small Car Tracks in Pictures

in Stock Images2 years ago (edited)


Good afternoon all friends in the #StockImages Community.....

This is a toy car belonging to my best friend's son, while traveling with my friend. I saw my friend carrying this mini car in his bag, I tried to borrow this mini toy car for me to take some photos that I can capture using my smartphone camera. While taking shelter under a shady tree and enjoying a cup of coffee, I began to think of ideas and places how to take some photo moments so that I could capture them with a simple concept of nature. this, as friends can see in the following photo


In the photo above you can see small plants and beautiful grass decorated with rocks, I imagine this car is like being on the edge of a beautiful cliff




I took several photos of this toy car, so that it can be seen from every angle of the object





The combination of natural concepts and simple vintage edits creates a natural atmosphere from blending with this toy car photo concept


#toys #vehicletoy #kidtoycar #diecast #moss #macro #yellow

The photo above is a photo of my work that I took using a smartphone camera and an additional macro lens for a smartphone. and the photos above I only post in the #StockImages Community

Best Regards @uyapapua


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Love the angles.