royal thing || stock images

at this time in stock images I will show some photos of unique objects, namely objects from an aceh tribe and have the meaning of a kingdom in the past as long as the aceh kingdom existed. the king of aceh who had a privilege at that time and was followed by a Sultan Malikussaleh who was in the past. yes I currently have some of the relics but with a very luxurious form of golden color. this object is deeply engraved on the inside of the aceh royal palace. I show only a few types that I have because this object is very much in aceh.and this is one of the things that I have.




I took some of these photos, I showed them to friends, all of them have a shape that is not big, easy to hold or use, this object was used by queens in the past. It was used on the head and wrist of a queen. Because it looks like a bracelet nowadays, which is usual we see in women wearing it.





