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RE: Leukemia | Leucemia ✨

in MED-HIVElast year

Dear @marilour, what a fantastic post!!! 👏👏👏 You nailed it!! And I'm so glad to see the deserved reception this post has gotten in the community and on Hive 😁😍

I was glued to your post like an octopus! Although very thorough and rigorous I found the reading to be very light. Even with the more complicated medical terminology, you could do a quick translation for someone who might not be a health professional or one that doesn't remember much about cellular-level details (🙋Like me! 😆)

You have surpassed your block so I hope you feel very proud of yourself Dr. 😍🤗🤩

Much !LUV

Querida @marilour, ¡¡¡qué post más fantástico!!! 👏👏👏 ¡¡¡Lo has clavado!!! Y me alegra mucho ver la merecida acogida que ha tenido este post en la comunidad y en Hive 😁😍

¡Me he quedado pegada a tu post como un pulpo! Aunque muy completo y riguroso me ha resultado muy ligera la lectura. Incluso con la terminología médica más complicada podrías hacer una traducción rápida para alguien que quizás no sea profesional de la salud o que no recuerde mucho los detalles a nivel celular (🙋¡Como yo! 😆)

Has superado tu bloque así que espero que te sientas muy orgullosa de ti misma Dra 😍🤗🤩.

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor


Greetings @blackdaisyft grateful for your kind words. Thank you for reading and rate my publication. I sincerely appreciate it.

You are most welcome! Sorry for taking so long but I like to keep my promises 😁🤩😍 so finally I took a careful read of your post and I loved it!! 😍🤗

Nothing to apologize for. Very grateful and gratified with your appreciation.