Breathing issues and visit to ENT today

in MED-HIVE2 years ago (edited)

These are slices of my head to show my brain, or lack thereof 😜

You can also see the damaged structures of my nasal and sinus cavities.
I was born with an extremely deviated septum, then a car accident then later a fist didn't help things.

I don't know if you can tell the difference, but I sure can,
this was before any surgeries, and my nose is not in the center of my face here

Since those things (but before these images, so imagine what this would have looked like before) I've had THREE
"NasoSeptal Reconstruction Surgeries"
Before those, I was COMPLETELY unable to breath through my nose, well barely but if there were any sinus congestion it was dead, and trying to BLOW my nose was futile and detrimental, as the mucus was forced back up the Eustachian tubes into my ears, causing a whole other set of problems

The Eustachian tube is an opening that connects the middle ear with the nasal-sinus cavity. This tube helps to:

  • Balance pressure in the middle ear (commonly felt as your ears popping)
  • Drain fluid from the middle ear
  • Protect the ear from both hearing sounds your body causes and nasal drainage
    This tube contains a valve that opens and closes. Inadequate opening of this tube can cause a buildup of fluid in the ears, which can lead to a feeling of pain and pressure in the ear. A tube that is too open can also cause a persistent feeling of pressure as well as hearing unusual sounds such as your own breathing or your own voice too loudly. Eustachian tube disorders are common and one of the leading causes of ear infections (otitis media).

I went through a period of time after the swelling of the last surgery in 2010 (typically they say it takes TWO YEARS for all the swelling to go away, so from 2012-2019) when I could actually breathe through my nose, more on one side than the other, but still.
For the last year or so, fairly constant nasal congestion/drainage became and issue. With such narrow spaces ANY congestion means no airflow. And if I could breath, when I lay flat (prone) no airflow.
The CPAP they want me to use is not good because again, if I can't breathe through my nose,... well you get the picture.

Today, I went again to ENT. Took a while to get the appointment, AND, like the day you take your car to the mechanic, and the car doesn't make THAT SOUND... last night and today, my sinuses were clear, I could breath through my nose.

She could still tell there were problems and I have another appointment in Aug, she also gave me some suggestions, but coming home, I was thinking
I take all the same meds every day, EXCEPT, last night, I was out of the Terazosin I've taken for years for BP control.
One of the possible side effects is....

Wait for it

blurred vision,
headache, or

stuffy nose

may occur

Now do I do without the BP med that has worked so well for so long, just so I can breath through my nose?

My body is a wreck, but I am above ground and (snort) breathing, for now.

"Sinus report"



 2 years ago  

Hi @jerrytsuseer
You have made your medical experience really fun to read even though it must have been some painful experience. Sorry for the pain you must have passed through.
The use Terazocine MAY BE contraindicated in this case if it causes nasal congestion.
The best advice is to review with both ENT and Cardio for a review of your medications.
Losing control of your BP is also not a safe spot.


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