Aging Without Growing Old

in MED-HIVE2 years ago

Simple put that aging is an organic process of growing old and showing the effect of Increasing age.
There is a chronological age ,which involves the celebrating of birthdays and passing of years,and our biological age, which reflect the age at which we are getting older. Everyone age at the same chronological rate,but people do not age at the Same biological rate. You will find the skin test comparison interesting especially if you smoke or drink alcohol.The goal of nearly everybody I know is to reduce the rate at which they age biological.
And one will ask;How can we age without growing old?yes we can because I believe the only investment you can make is the investment in your health.we often do not appreciate our health untill we lose it, then not all the money in the world may enable us regain it. There are so many nutrients which our body needs to function properly and make us physically fit even at old age, those nutrients are essential in our body system in others to help build and repair various tissues in the body.
Your body is equipped with a wonderful healing system capable of handling almost any condition of infection provided it is given the nutritional support it needs .This health restoring mechanisms is know as the immune system. There are many harmful microorganisms like fungi, virus and bacteria that suppress the immune function. This can leave you more vulnerable to getting sick and make you susceptible to many diseases .
Some fungi are beneficial to health,like the mushrooms , mushrooms are fungi but not all fungi are, miatake mushroom can help reduce your cholesterol, improving artery functionality and overall cardiovascular health to lower risk for heart diseases, mushrooms are also in a low calorie source of fibre, protein and antioxidants,there are highly prize,there are highly prized both as food as they have a good taste,and also as medicine.
Not only does it stimulate the production of immune cells,it improves their efficiency and effectiveness by increasing the chemical that our body normally produces to stimulate these responses and Target foreign substances in the body.


Above are some of the edible mushrooms that stimulate the production of immune cells.

Moving on, when you look in the mirror,do what do you see? Do you see soft, radiant,supple, glowing, blemish free skin? or do you see age spot and new wrinkles?.
The skin is the first "aging"sign we tend to see ourselves.We all want to find ways to keep our skin soft, beautiful and we hope wrinkle free. We will each get some wrinkles but no body wants them prematurely, sure.
A woman I know had the most beautiful skin for her age of any woman I have ever seen. Her skin was glowing,soft and smooth. At age 85 she had a clear,peachy complexsion and was virtually wrinkle free!she never smoked and avoided the sun whenever possible. She had no patchy "age" spots or blemished skin. This is what good nutrition and skin care does.
The Skin Biggest Enemies
Most of us know the skin biggest enemy is the sun. Regular exposure. to ultraviolet rays erodes the elastic tissues in the skin, causing a person to wrinkle prematurely. The ultraviolet energy from the sun produces free radicals in the fats stored in the skin cell membrane. Years of exposure to sun may lead to skin cancer.
The next biggest enemy of the skin is smoking cigarettes. People who smoke a pack a day wrinkle about ten years sooner than a non-smoker and their skin is prematurely wrinkled especially around the lips and mouth. One cigarette destroys about 25mg of vitamin C, the important nutrient for building collagen which is the material that binds together the cells of your body, comprising about 30 percent of the total body protein which helps in building up your body and repair worn-out cells.
Aging itself is a form of stress, which we will all encounter. Stress increases our need for many nutrients,and when these needs are not met, deficiencies develop. These deficiencies,in effect,Rob the brain of vitamins and minerals necessary to help brain enzymes produce enough brain chemicals to keep a person functioning at normal level. The greater the impact of stress the greater the deficiency and the lower the brain function.
They are lots to talk, about aging,but the main point in other to "age without growing old" is to make sure you place your self on a good diet with lots of minerals and nutrients and exercise regularly.


This is the most educative I have come across today! What brilliant article. I agree and I just made the conscious decision to include fruits in my daily diet! Thank you

Yes, fruits are necessary
You are welcome 😊

Its beautiful what these mushrooms has been claimed to be able to do, same way the dangers of cigarrette can never be over said, however pleasae kindly corroborate your posts with research and also do no not forget to source your images or state if they were taken by you.

That said, I welcome you to the community, Its glad to have you around, please feel free to join the ongoing prompt as well, well also be glad to have you in the discord.. Welcome

I will always source my image from now,sure
I will be glad to be there too😊

 2 years ago  

Kindly source your images properly, thanks.

Alright I will