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RE: The Dolphin Swarm Update

in The CTP Swarm4 years ago

I've added you to the ranking! I saw that your account is on the blacklist of hivewatch and spamminator. The reason why you landed on the list could be among the following:

Users on this list have been identified by @spaminator and @mack-bot doing one of the following: spamming, post farming, comment farming or otherwise engaged in exploitative behavior. Provided by @spaminator, for more details go here:

Unfortunately from experience I know that it's virtualy impossible to get delisted from this list. So there is like not right to a second chance with these guys. With a friend who had a similar problem, we found the solution to create a new account and then delegated the HP of his old account to this new one. He then posted over the new account. Accounts on the blacklist have very few chances to develop unfortunately because people will not give upvotes.

Hope this helps :-)


I noticed that, this is so child like. It's either children or narrow minded adults who act this way. Never mind, I don't rely on Hive for anything and the people who know me, know me thats what matters. It's mind blowing that someone can dictate to you and harass you on a decentralized blockchain. My love for Hive went from 100 to 0 when this happened.