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RE: Hump Day Vlogging - Product of a product, Hive footers, and more...

in The CTP Swarm4 years ago

Great video Zoltan. I watched it on Lbry this morning and I was looking around on Hive to give a comment but I couldn't find it :-).

I agree with you about the promotion stuff. Whether it's a pitch within the video or affiliate offers in the signature, I believe it's a mistake to put them there. Because as you say, it devaluates your content.

A better way of doing it (according to me :-) )

Create a landing page with all the programs that you promote. Present a bit more than the banner. Show why a programm is so great and how you use it. It can be a kind of list. I have been doing that for Bitcoin faucets

It's possible to do the same with your opt-in page.

Instead of putting 10 banners, I put one catchy link that brings the people to the page where I have all my links or my opt-in page.

Like that you have a one sentence footer and you have definitely better success with it than with putting all the banners at the end of the post.

Sorry man this got terribly long. I should probably write a post about it:-)

 4 years ago  

Because as you say, it devaluates your content.

Actually, I didn't say that, but I meant... lol... Thanks for saying my thoughts... :)

And yes... 10 banners, no focus, no clicks... Keep it simple, clean, and people will actually SEE IT... From the banner jungle, you can't see anything... lol

Sorry man this got terribly long. I should probably write a post about it:-)

hahaha.. no problem at all... and you should do a post... You have so much to say... :)