Goals - Initial Post for #MyHiveGoals Challenge

in The CTP Swarm4 years ago

Good day all,

*made with canva

What better day to jump into @robwillmann's #MyHiveGoals Challenge than on my birthday. So let me jump right into it. Thanks @ph1102 for the inspiration. :) So 5 months into the year, 7 months to go. Let me set some goals. Where I am and where I want to be:

HIVE POWER - 1,101.175 / 5,000
CTP POWER - 49,070 / 100,000
HIVE Followers - 206 / 300
CTP referrals - 59/100
TL2I referrals - 0/10

So, what are my thoughts on my goals:

Hive Power I think I really can do.
Click Track Profit I think it is possible but it is going to be a hard push, lots of work and staying at the highest upgrade level.
HIVE followers, at the rate I am going. Going to be reachable but close.
Traffic Leads 2 Income working hard on it.

CTP Tokens: Hard to say, I may or may not reach it as I keep spend them ;)

So there it is. I got it down in writing and I joined the challenge.

Rob Willmann's orginal post.


Don't forget you can follow me on twitter: Join me on Twitter

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Click Track Profit

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Traffic Leads 2 Income

Have a great day all.


 4 years ago  


First Happy Birthday!

Second, don't think of your goals as hard. You won't reach them with that thinking.

Instead, think of it like this:

Each day, make a solid step in the right direction. That's all. Don't worry about tomorrow or next week. Just focus on today.

Be proud of each day's accomplishments, and then when it's a month from now, you'll be amazed at where you are.

I am not worried about my long term success. I just work on today. It's all I have control over anyway. :)

Again, Happy Birthday sir!

  • Rob

Thank you. And thanks for the great advice.

 4 years ago  

Thanks for the mention, Bradley...

Your goals are pretty challenging, but if you push as you are doing in the last couple of months, there are achievable... ;)

Thanks. Got to challenge and push myself.

 4 years ago  

on my birthday.

Happy B-Day!!!! If I understood well :)

Great goals Bradley but I would say you have your work cut out for you. Good Luck.

P.S. I knew you had time.

Thanks for the push. Between you and @ph1102 you got me into it. :)

Looks like you're well on your way Bradley! Happy Birthday!