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RE: What is your favourite blockchain game?

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

For me it's Splinterlands for sure. It got me into the Hive and dAPP space only a few months ago, and I've been branching out from there. It's a deceptively simple game, with actually a lot of depth to it. The best part is, it's also becoming a big part of my crypto trading pathway. DEC's interoperability with Hive, ETH, and Binance chains, combined with it's relatively stable valuation makes it an incredibly useful currency. Really impressed by the Splinterlands team, and can't wait for the Land systems to be introduced!


That's actually a very good point. I've been using Splinterlands also for this to move money around from Steem, Tron, ETH, BSC and Hive. When compaired the fees are quite interesting! I'm also looking forward to the Land extension. I can't picture yet how it will be but it sounds exciting!

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