Top 6 Witness For Hive-Engine

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago (edited)

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The little tribe that could...

What a whirlwind of activity it's been here at Click Track Profit and in the entire CTP Swarm!

We hit quite a nice little milestone this evening that we wanted to share with you...


We're now a top witness for the Hive-Engine ecosystem :)

Thank you...Doesn't begin to say enough!

The trust and belief you have had for this project and community has never been more appreciated :)

But truth be told....We're just getting to work!

Our development of projects build on the blockchain is only beginning as we have a lot of releases coming very soon.

We also wanted to discuss something that came up today in a few chats we had...

Will we be burning CTP Tokens in the future?

We've actually already been in the habit of burning them...

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The @jongolson account burns all rewards I receive from delegating to the @ctpsb project. Every Sunday, they get burned.


This is from the @clicktrackprofit account tonight and I'll explain how we do this...

Since the start pf the token, the CTP account has been burning roughly 30-50% of all the tokens it receives in curation rewards.

But as things grow we need to show where else we'll be burning tokens and that will come from our ad network we'll be integrating into the new front end....


(Screen shot of page layout for individual posts on the new CTPtalk)

We will purchase CTP tokens from revenue generated from the ads and do regular burns of the token.

Once things get set up, and we see the kind of revenue the front end generates, we'll be able to have a clearer picture of how much we'll burn.

But the game plan has always been...Keep liquidity low on our end to maximize the token value for our holders.


And you can see...The CTP Token has a large percentage of it staked, and low liquidity as is. Which we aim to increase demand with all our websites and projects we will be releasing in 2021.

(View our 2021 Timeline here!)

Just a quick little update to let you guys know what we've been up to this week.

Hope you are as excited as we are for what's coming :)

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If you like what we've been building and would like to support CTP, please send us a witness vote....

=> Vote Today For CTP



We're now a top witness for the Hive-Engine ecosystem :)

this is a great milestone. CTP is awesome and it will reach many more heights.

Appreciate that man, thank you so much. And for your belief in this project from literally day one!

 3 years ago  

Congratulations on reaching the Top 5 for the Hive Engine witness race! I didn't doubt that you will get there at any moment... ;) I will do my marathon, slow and steady race, and see what happens... ;)

We will purchase CTP tokens from revenue generated from the ads and do regular burns of the token.

This is something that we have waited a long time ago and it should be a great addition to the platform... In the end, CTPTalk is an affiliate marketers platform, and they have a huge need for more space for advertising...

Good job!

Absolutely man, thank you!

And you are right, we'll see how it translates into great traffic for advertisers.

Perfect niche market for those looking to capture this audience.

Very cool to see that! Since I'm quite unfamiliar with all this and I'm very new in the community I do have a few questions.

  • What benefits/rewards are there as a witness of Hive Engine?
  • What portion if any of these rewards be used to burn CTP?
  • Does CTP plan on setting up a Hive witness too (if it hasn't already) and use a partial amount of those rewards to burn CTP? If so, what portion will be used?
  • Where does the funding to develop CTP come from?
  • It seems like buying back and burning is a large part of this economy which is great, but is there any roadmap to show the planned revenue generators plus what proportion of revenue from each generator will be used to burn CTP?
  • Lastly, if there is low liquidity on the markets, you will have to pay a high premium to buyback and burn, is there any plan to help with this issue? For example, will you be using market buy orders or slowly increasing limit buy orders?

Apologies for the wall of questions, just very eager to learn and thanks in advance for your time :)

No worries, glad to answer them:

  • You mine BEE when you verify and confirm blocks
  • As it's paid in BEE, no plans to burn at CTP from the BEE. It'll mostly help pay for the server.
  • Nah, no plans to be a Hive witness. Going to focus on Hive-Engine for a while :)
  • CTP is our token from the community and training hub ( we're onboarding new people to the blockchain through that and all the projects we have lined up and currently own.
  • Revenue is from our funnels into our main projects. Our online businesses have been profitable for decades. So this is all part of our big vision, to bridge the gap between online entrepreneurs and the blockchain.
  • We seem to get a lot of help from the bots that are already buying and selling CTP lol nah seriously, we will know much more about the income generated and what is needed once the front end is up and serving ads :)

You have my vote CTP team; cheers

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you very much!

Amazing , my complete support for CTP team . BTW do you plan to become hive witness in future?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Not sure...That's a big party, and really don't like outsiders in their circle.

We thought it would be a better game plan to build and witness on Hive Engine.

I think the liquidity of the CTP tokens is definitely an issue. There is so much demand that the price can't keep up. Which is a very good job.

I already gave you a witness vote from your previous posts, but I got no WORKERBEE so it doesn't have any weight. I am surprised that CTP is almost at 90% staked.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's been higher too...We hav started to train our members on keeping some liquid. For buying opportunities. And as a lot of our community members are merchants that accept CTP for their businesses too, we need it moving around a little ;)

That’s awesome. CTP is no longer the Lyle tribe that is ignored by the rest of the blockchain ☺️

Just needed to show people that we weren't going anywhere and had a plan lol Slow and steady!

It’s all about that consistency!

 3 years ago  

Congrats Jon, Blain, and Eliana!

That's tremendous. I am proud of your accomplishments, and happy with the very small stake of workerbee I have and the vote I made for your witness. It was well worth it. Especially since it's hive-engine.


Appreciate that man, all the votes we get mean so much! Thank you!

That's so amazing. To have reached the top 6 so fast shows I believe the place and the size that this community is taking on hive.

Yeah man, this community is truly remarkable.

So exciting to think of what we can accomplish in the next few months here!

That is pretty awesome! Congrats on being one of the top witnesses for the Hive-Engine! What a great accomplishment! So do I get this right that you can delegate to CTP? What kind of ROI is there for delegating to them?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yup, you can delegate CTP to anyone you like :) There is no ROI put on delegating CTP. But the @ctpsb project rewards delegation with CTP token in exchange for Hive Power. I think the last time they updated it was between 15-20% APR for that project.

Last week we were at over 30% APR (because of CTP prices) :-)

Ah, okay, the @ctpsb part is what I was wondering about. Thanks for the facts and figures!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulations team.
This is nice milestone to acheive.

Thanks so much for the kind words!

cool stuff upvoted

Mr. Wahl...You are a legend!
