On Hive you are not just a user..

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago (edited)

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I have been playing Splinterlands for a very long time and I've developed quite a big deck of cards. I've probably been playing almost every day for about 2 years.

For a long time, I've tried to bring new players to the game. I've created an online course to introduce the game and also shared my referral link a lot. I didn't manage to get too many referrals and also the ones that started the game often quit after a couple of days. For me this was kind of frustrating.

Bringing value with a well argumented feed-back and propositions

The other day I saw a post of my friend @khazrakh where he explains why the people that he brought to the game don't have a nice experience and why they often stop.

He went further than that and actually gave some very concrete propositions how to improve the game for newcomers. I really liked his ideas.

Amazing implementation by Splinterlands

I was very surprised however when I read the following day the official post of Splinterlands. They announced that from the next season on, starting on 15th of march, they would implement changes to make the game more interesting for newcomers. When I looked at the detail of these changes, I realized that many points were directly taken from the propositions presented in the post of @khazrakh!

How amazing is that! By writing his post @khazrakh could actually influence the most successful blockchain game in existence and add to its success!

That brings me to the realization that when you are on the hive blockchain you are not just one of the many users of a centralized platform. Your words and your actions have an impact and can help to improve the ecosystem. We can learn from each other, from our experiences, from our ideas...

P.S: This post was published from the wrong account... sorry about that :-)

Let's connect ! You can find me on these platforms:

▶️ 3Speak


I admit I haven't been paying attention as much to Splinterlands so I definitely missed the posts. I think its great that there are things that make it easier for new players. I definitely agree getting someone started only to see them lose consistently is not a good way to attract new users.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes there are plenty of problems at the moment when you start the game. There are tons of bots that simply don't lign up a team and then you have to wait 3 minutes until you can try again and you might end up with another bot. This is quite frustrating for new players. Another thing is that people get only a limited amount of cards to play with at the beginning and with these cards, you have very little chances to actually win games and progress further than bronze league.

If these problems can be mended with the changes, then it's going to be really a good point for the game!


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While I agree that everyone is not just a user, I am not quite ready to say that a post that I write will influence some developer or whale to change what they are doing. I can hope that my words would be that effective, but I would have to see it to believe it.

Well it hasn't happened to me so far either lol. On the other hand I like to see that it can happen!


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Yeah yeah Yeah. we are all owners on Hive nit just any random user.

I believe it's a nice feeling to think that we part own this whole plafrom :-)


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ha ha ha ha was gonna say, I love the Achim content....Now found on CTPSB as well!!!!

I'm very proud of myself lol. I was about to write to 3speak why my content wouldn't show up on peakd... Maybe I should have used the correct account lol


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Great to hear that Splinterlands adopted many of @khazrakh's suggestions.
They were good ones.

I think that the game needed a general change for newcomers. The proposed changes will really have a beneficial effect on user experience I believe.


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Ya You are influencer and innovator
Here I feel I do somethings different

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I also have the feeling that it's different here. In a nice way I believe.


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praise @khazrakh :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I believe that the changes that he proposed are really going to help improve the user experience for newcomers.


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P.S: This post was published from the wrong account... sorry about that :-)

That explains a lot, I was already wondering... ;-)
I really agree that everybody on the chain can make a difference, although in this case I'm pretty sure they already had a lot of the things figured out themselves, ultimately, I just hit a good timing with my post.

Man, got all mixed up with accounts lol.

Your timing was definitely perfect but I think that your suggestions where quite helpful and I like the changes that were introduced.


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Well that's interesting that's cool so I see Jon's comment. Are you seeing you should have posted on that I'm not one that plays this game but also I see it being promoted in traffic it changes actually awesome good job that's cool

Thank you...

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