The linear reward curve

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago (edited)

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We had another exciting week on the Hive blockchain. What affects us most is the change of the CTP token to the linear reward curve.

Why is it great to have a linear reward curve?

With a linear reward curve, people using autovoters don't have an advantage over people doing manual curation anymore. The linear reward curve evens the playing field. One upvote will always carry the same value and give the same curation rewards. That means the more stake you have, the more curation rewards you will be able to generate.

Another great aspect is that the linear reward curve allows you to upvote comments without loosing anything. Even if you are the only person voting on a comment, you will earn the same amount of curation rewards than if you upvoted a post.

I believe that this will have a big impact on engagement on the CTP posts. A big thanks to @jongolson for having made that possible!

Linear reward curve and ctpsb

For the CTPSB project, the linear reward curve won't change much. Since we are more or less the biggest CTP account (included delegations), we had a little bit an edge by voting early on posts. We might loose a bit of this edge but I believe it's a small price to pay for such a general improvement.

Weekly returns

This week, there were no income from CUB defi. I decided to withdraw every second week only to save costs and also the CUB price is a bit low at the moment.

Because of the high Hive price, we have a little bit lower APR on delegations. Expressed in CTP tokens this APR is however quite stable.

check out the video for more details

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Thanka for the uodate..

Another great aspect is that the linear reward curve allows you to upvote comments without loosing anything.

What was the effect of nonlinear curve on comment upvotes..

When you give an upvote with a non linear reward curve and nobody upvotes after you, you loose quite some curation rewards. That is what happened so far when upvoting comments.

Thanks a lot for the update dear. Linear Curve is a nice solution for Layer 2 adding a lot value for both communities and bloggers.

Starting from Monday, we may see the departure of weak hand on CUB De-Fi platform but I do not think it's going to take longer than a couple of weeks 😅

Starting from Monday, we may see the departure of weak hand on CUB De-Fi platform but I do not think it's going to take longer than a couple of weeks

I think cub Defi is a project that needs to be looked at in the long term. I believe that we will reach a kind of stabilisation in a week or two. From there I believe that we will have increasing CUB prices especialy with the ETH bridge.

I think it's a good move to go linear. It's far too confusing with the voting window for any one new coming in.

Keep the great work up with CTP!

That's a good point. One complicated factor less that needs to be explained :-).

Thanks a lot for stopping by!

Great... good to know that...loving it..

Thanks a lot for stopping by!

This is huge for me because I don't have to worry about missing posts that I want to manually upvote and comment on in the same day that they are posted.

Exactly, the linear reward curve is leveling the playing field and manual curators don't loose in respect to autovoters. For me this is a huge plus!

Good Morning, @ctpsb! It is less confusing than trying to properly set up the auto voters. But the advantage to those is that if you're unable to get on line you still get curation rewards. Have a great day! 😀

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I wish more tribes would move towards a linear reward curve. I personally like that we get consistent returns versus the varying returns like usually. I think it is also less stressful on where to use your VP.

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I totally agree with you and I even would wish that Hive in general would move to a linear curve. When a system is favouring bots over humans, then I think the system is not perfect. The linear reward curve at least levels the playing field.

 3 years ago  

Change to linear curve will help a lot to the curators in the CTP Swarm, but also to the people who didn't want to upvote comments, being afraid of not getting anything back for doing that...

So, big thanks to @jongolson for listening to the community!

Yes I think that upvoting comments has just become much more interesting in ctp tokens!

Thank you very much @ctpsb

You are welcome :-)