Win 15 HIVE >> Monday Challenge >> From D.Buzz (ROUND 29) -

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago


Monday Challenges from D.Buzz
>> Round 27 << | >> Win 15 HIVE <<

What Buzzing Friends!

Confession time. The crew over here at D.Buzz found the many photos you posted of you pet companions extraordinary. Truly... from ducks to kittens and dogs, the cuteness level was off the chart. One of our interns literally exploded when they saw the pictures, IT WAS THAT CUTE.

As this platform is built for the community, the administration team was talking, we want support and grow the #petsofhive project. So for the next three weeks, the monday D.Buzz challenge will be featuring challenges that revolve around posting photos of your pets, or if you don't have a pet of your own, then just post the picture of a pet that you took that you enjoy.

Last week was the first challenge, and for this week, the new challenge is to post a photo of your pet playing with the toy, or object, or thing they like the most (*yes, you can be that thing as well).

This could include a kitten batting a ball, a fish looking at a sunken treasure box, a horse wearing his favorite jacket, or even a parakeet playing on its favorite gym. Show us what you got!

Today's challenge

  1. Post a photo of your pet, playing / having fun on D.Buzz
  2. Hastag that photo with #petsofhive ( # Pets of Hive)
  3. Tag a friend you think would like your photo!
    • Link to that buzz in the comments! (*optional)

SO SO EASY TO DO, For real.


  • Follow "Today's challenge" listed above.
  • After seven days (Next Monday, at some point), we will select a winner from all valid entries.
  • We will then make an announcement post on the following Monday and Tag you.
  • The 15 HIVE prize will be sent to the winner soon after the winner is announced.
  • No, follow, or up vote required to play.

What is the prize?

  • The prize is 15 HIVE tokens sent to you.

Last Weeks Winner!

The winner of last week's challenge shared great video on how to do the hive... and got some nice feed back too! Great work!

The winner of last week's challenge is...


Who posted this article :

Congratulations on winning!!
You will receive the HIVE from our awards account shortly. :)

Questions? Concerns? Comments?

Just Post below.

Thank you, and have a great week!

D.Buzz over and out.


D.Buzz is ...

Is a censorship-resistant short form microblogging platform that empowers you to share your thoughts in 280 characters or less.

Censorship resistant and built for the community with love.

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We strive to have a fun and neutral stance on topics. If you have any concerns with the content, please contact @jacuzzi, who writes and generates the content for our articles, or the @dbuzz team for clarification.




Thank you @dbuzz for organizing the challenge.

I'm back after a bit of a hiatus. I love these little challenges you guys put out. Here's my two little boys, Lewis and Clark

congratulation @jiasally🙌, since you newly join to #hive this reward would encourage you in this blockchain.

Thank You!

Posted via D.Buzz