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RE: It's Time to Go Xtreme... What is CTPX.IO????

in The CTP Swarmlast year

Not sure I follow.
I was addressing the ability to add a valid url in ctpx

That's the procedure I follow when I create a post on the generic hive frontend and yes, Peakd as well.

You can use the CTPtalk frontend without error and yes using #ctp tag means that ctptalk will show the post from other frontends. I do forget that one sometimes and I have placed it as a first tag when I didn't want to. It's a learning process. !lol


Not sure I follow.

I checked on and no posts show up since she does not use the tag #ctp. I'm wondering if there are any other urls that might work to display her content on ctpx besides ctptalk. Peakd and ecency display her content, but do not work with ctpx.

It's a learning process.

It certainly is! Especially just starting out!

May be time for some TLC and hand holding from ctp support. !lol

Why do they call it euthanasia?
It’s not like you’re getting any younger

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Okay, wait, you are saying I can just add #ctp as one of my tags on my posts in here or Steemit or wherever and they will show over there, even if I don't add them over on their site myself?