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RE: What is your favourite blockchain game?

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

I haven't played blockchain games outside of the Hive ecosystem (and the old blockchain). So my impressions are from around here. I still think Splinterlands is the king. As we have seen numerous times with games on Hive, it's very difficult to keep motivating people to play, have fun and keep a functional economy for the game for a long time. Splinterlands team somehow manages to do that, even though things are not always perfect. Other than that I still play Rabona and dCity. Nothing else at the moment.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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Splinterlands team somehow manages to do that

I agree with you. It's a new world and games have to be fun to play and also have sound tokenomics at the same time. I think that in this respect Splinterlands is in a category above all the other games so far.

Thanks for taking!


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