My CTP, ALIVE & HIVE Goal Update

in The CTP Swarm2 months ago

Hello all Friends..


In past year I set some targets for my kids account and I put all my efforts to achieve the same. Some time it happened that despite putting the our best efforts we miss the targets. Missing target does not means we should not set new target. Setting target and pushing to achieve the is a continuous process and we must take it in the way that it encourage us to move forward. I was chasing a target of 100k CTP Power , 50k Alive Power and 4000 Hive by the end of year 2023. I lost the track in last quarter as some real life priority comes and I was not able to post much on platform and the main source of earning token and Hive on platform for my kids account was the author rewards only. I am holding good amount of Alive and CTP token. Alive is doing good but unfortunately the CTP token lost its value in last couple of months.
The 2023 is over and we are in second quarter of the the year 2024. Lets get new target for the current year. I am thinking of adding some more token in the goal list, I will do some research before adding in he list. For now I am concentrating on #CTP, #ALIVE and #Hive
Lets set the target for next six months ie end of October 2024 as per below :
CTP - 100K
HIVE Power- 3000

CTP Stats

I holding 73042 CTP Power. With another 18200 CTP token stacking at current its 91243 CTP.
Holding nothing in liquid token as power up all liquid in wallet.


Don't forget to comment on post to get some CTP tip.

The CTP has new management now hope this will change the token current situation.


I was holding 44611 ALIVE Power. With another 4512 Alive token staking, at current its 49123 AP.

Hive Blockchain

Don't forget to comment on the post & I will reward you with some ALIVE token...

Hive Goal



At present account has own 2,984 Hive Power. From past weeks received aprox 1.1 HP form Author and 1.15 HP as curation rewards, which are average earning. At present account Reputation is 67.538 with 221 Followers & 4401 Posts.

All rewards form this post will be Power Up 100%.

My wife and me set my kids account as beneficiary for some posts from last week so that will help the account to grow. I am setting beneficiary rewards to my kids account from at least one post per day.

I would like to highlight the curation tail and interesting projects helps me lot.

Curation Trail
@bradleyarrow setup a curation trail and you can check he details and how to join the trail by clicking on this link

Come and join the rail.

CTPSB Project

The CTPSB account is powered by the community and owned by the community.

CTP Swarm Booster (CPSB) is a initiative by @achim03
The Idea behind is to create a account which will upvote the posts within the community and then curation rewards earn by the account will be used to grow the account.
More Hive Power = increase value of the token
To know the concept of the project click here

Thanks for stopping by my post.

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