Make the Most of What You've Got

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago (edited)


There is a saying that goes something like this; "You have been created with your face on the front of your head. So, keep your focus on the future, and let go of the past. Look forward, not back."

I would also like to add to this. Be focused on your actions and your own results. We often hear that if we want to achieve success we have to surround ourselves with successful people.

We also hear that we should find someone successful and copy what he/she does.

This is all true and I agree with all of it. But, I think what often lack in this whole scenario, is the level of thinking that goes into it.

Start Thinking For Yourself

When you have a role model, the emphasis is on copying what he/she does. Copy the actions, not the person or personality. Copy the actions of your role model, in your own unique way and become a success in your own right. Do not become a copy of that person. That will merely make you an impersonator...

When surrounding yourself with successful people, you need to be on the look-out for two things.

  • Firstly, the true character of that "successful" person will soon become clear.

Are you trying to build a relationship with someone mature and "big" enough to see your potential and support you in your journey?

Sometimes you get people who've got the ego and the attitude, but that's about where it stops...

I watched an interview on television with one of our ex-Springbok rugby coaches over the weekend, and I heard him making a statement that is so true.

He said: "Some people are so poor, all they have is money."

I fully agree with that statement. For example; a man who humiliates other people in order to make himself look good is not worth associating with. I don't care how much money he has or what position he is in, and I'll stand by that.

I'm not saying you should be pampered...but there is no need to be bullied or humiliated either.

  • Secondly, you need to remain realistic and true to yourself. Measure your results, progress, and success at your own level. Don't start comparing your results with that of your role model or the people you are surrounding yourself with at the beginning of your journey.

They have obviously made much more progress on their journey, which is why you want to learn from them. Don't try to compete with them.

Be Realistic and Focus On Your Own Results


Comparing yourself (or your results) to them at this stage is looking for trouble. You are now where they were 3 years, 5 years, or even 10 years or more ago.

If your results suck, don't become negative and depressed and think you're a failure. And you don't need to run to these people every 5 minutes and ask why you don't get the same results either.

Stop, take a break and look at what they are doing. Try to study and see what they do, how they do it and how often they do it. If you still can't find the solution, reach out and ask questions.

Take Responsibility For Your Own Decisions

Take responsibility for your own decisions and actions and learn from them.

I recall back in 2010, due to my experience and background I was approached and offered a contract to do V.I.P. Protection work for the international guests of the CONTINENTAL GROUP. This was during the soccer world-cup when it was hosted here in South Africa.

The contract paid real good money. Yet, about half-way through the contract, some of my colleagues became upset when they heard about another company that paid even better money for the same services.

My response was the following:

  1. Were you happy with the amount you were offered when you signed the contract?
  2. If yes, what has changed in the meantime?
  3. The best you can do is learn from this experience and when you get offered such an opportunity in the future, approach other clients and find out if someone else will pay you better.

It's the same with our investment experiences in crypto as well. There is no sense in beating ourselves up about not buying Bitcoin 10 years ago. Neither does it have any value to regret selling your Bitcoin at a loss in 2018.

The question is "where are you now"? And what is your plan/strategy for the future?

This all seems obvious, yet we often fall victim to this mentality of getting caught up in the past.

The following awesome comment I received from @andrewn on a recent post I wrote, made me think about this.


It's Time To Start Your Own Journey


So, determine where you are now. Then get a clear picture of where you want to go or what you want to achieve. Find yourself a role model and study what they do, how they do it, and how often they do it. Then start practicing, by doing it yourself.

If you are reading this post, chances are that you want to learn about crypto, creating content, affiliate marketing, or all of the above...

In that case, I can recommend a few people who you can follow and study how and what they do.

To name but a few, here are some of the people who stand out to me:
and many more.

If I were to mention everybody who has supported me and who I have learned from so far, it would be a whole post on its own.

There are even people in the list above who I did not have direct communication with yet. That doesn't mean I cannot watch them and study them to learn from them by what they are doing.

The point is, take stock of where you are now and what you have. Besides the lessons that you have learned from the past, let go of the past and focus on the future!

I hope this post is helpful to get you motivated and started while being realistic in your expectations. And by that, I mean immediate to short-term expectations.

For your long-term goals...the bigger the better!


 3 years ago  

Wow Jaco that was really well said and very motivating, we start now and plot a path from that to where we want to go and then act on it, and thanks a lot for the mention.

You're welcome, Erik. Thanks for the nice words and for giving your input as well! I always appreciate your support!

 3 years ago  

Keep up your good work.

 3 years ago  

I hope this post is helpful to get you motivated and started while being realistic in your expectations. And by that, I mean immediate to short-term expectations.

This post was very helpful, and I have share it with my followers and friends!

Firstly, thanks for the mention... I was a bit busy lately, so didn't engage too much with others, and I hope that I didn't miss a lot of your awesome posts!

The contract paid real good money. Yet, about half-way through the contract, some of my colleagues became upset when they heard about another company that paid even better money for the same services.

Immediately, when I see these lines, they reminded me about the Bible story about two sons... When the lost son came back home... It's almost the same situation, and I had a lot of trouble accepting that part in my life, and in my way of thinking...

I would do the same before... Thinking about how much did I "lose" (when you couldn't lose... it's just speculating), and how I could ask more, etc...

There is a saying in my second mother language (lol), and it goes like this:
"It's better to have a pigeon on the table (in plate), than a hawk on a tree"

It's a bit savage, but you get the point :)

Great post, man! I'm glad that I read it!

Thank you for your amazing comment and the kind words.

I am glad you find this post helpful to the extent that you shared it with your followers and friends!

I totally get what you mean referring to the Bible story and the two brothers. I think it is something that we all need to (1)experience and (2)learn how to process it and make peace with ourselves.

There is a saying in my second mother language (lol), and it goes like this:
"It's better to have a pigeon on the table (in plate), than a hawk on a tree"

I absolutely love this. It is such a fantastic illustration of the "moral of the story". Rather be grateful for what you have than chasing something that is out of reach.

You cannot lose something you never had in the first place, isn't it?

Thank you for your ongoing support! I really do appreciate it!

thanks for the shout out.
The posts covers so many solid points.

I will pick focus own yourself.
Each man defines is own success.
It is not a one definition fit all category.

If we can define our own, then we can focus on that

You're welcome.

I will pick focus own yourself.
Each man defines is own success.
It is not a one definition fit all category.

I agree with you 100%. What defines success for one person may not be a success for the next person. It is unique to every individual.

Thank you for sharing your input with us, I really do appreciate it.

Amazing post! I like your writing style and thanks a lot for the shout out :-)

You're welcome. Thanks for your kind words and a special thanks for your ongoing support, Achim! I appreciate it and I learn a lot from you!

Thank you for the mention, this has been an awesome post - following you from now on!

You're welcome and thank you for your kind words. I really enjoy reading your work as well and I learn a lot from it!

I am looking forward to getting to know you better!

Great post! I couldn't agree more!
And I'm really honored to be on a list with so many cool people!
People always have the tendency to either fighting to copy their mentors or spend all day complaining about what did they do wrong with not getting results.
Your post has all the answers!

  • You can be near your mentor and ask him questions but stay true to yourself and work for being better than them!
  • Instead of run in circles with "What I did wrong?", take a couple of deep breaths and ask yourself "What do I need to do to change it?"
  • If you stay too comfortable on a milestone, let it go and go find a new more challenging one!

Thank you for the mention and motivation :)


You set a great example, Eliana! We can all learn from you!

You have mentioned that you are unemployed with your offline occupation due to covid. But look at you! You didn't go sit in a corner, throwing a "pity-party".

You are digging in your heels and provide quality content. You have created your own program and you are growing from strength to strength.

Thank you for your input, Eliana! I do appreciate it!

Appreciate those kind words! It really empowers me to keep going.
That after all, it seems I'm doing something good!

There's no time for pity-party, just moving forward :)

Keep up the awesome work!


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Thank you for the tokens! I do appreciate it!

A good message here!

Take Responsibility For Your Own Decisions

Accountability is hard to find these days.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for your input! I'm glad you enjoyed my post.

Accountability is hard to find these days.

Well said! That's what it is all about...accountability!