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RE: What is your favourite blockchain game?

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

What kind of blockchain games do you play?

I have pretty much played all the games listed above and I would like to add Kolobok to the list.

What is your favourite game and why?

As for my favorite game, I will choose Rising Star. Mainly because there is a community around it and there are a ton of people in there. They also got some great music every Sunday to listen to.

Its also an idle game with zero up-front costs and I don't have to deal with issues like Alien Worlds when their server or WAX goes crazy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Since I've discovered Rising Star, I've been playing some missions every day. It's a cool game and I also like the shows on Sundays with all the gif ;-).

Alien Worlds is a no brainer. I was really lucky to have started before the fomo and I managed to collect quite a lot of WAX thanks to it :-)

Thanks a lot for taking part!


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