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RE: CTP Chat For May 6th 2021

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

The first thing I would highly recommend a new entrepreneur to do is ASK QUESTIONS. Speaking for myself, it has held me back from making any progress when I tried to be a martyr. The support of other's willing to provide their experience, knowledge and skills is the most treasured information I have received. Many take it for granted. I sure did. Now, it's the most important thing I value.


I agree everyone (new and old alike) should ask questions. I find that sometimes I am held back because I feel that I ask too many questions as this may bug others. Even though everyone says there are no stupid questions. LOL

That is what my post was about today.
Do not embarrassed to ask questions.
I have been guilty many times of that

@alente its super important, I’ll swing by and read your post on my break 👍🏽

Thanks Jimmy

Oh man, ain't that the truth!

First few years I was building a business, that's all I did...Ask questions daily lol

Seems like CTP Chat could be a good place for that ;)

I also have the issue to ask questions. I always wanted to do things on my own and try not to bother anyone.
Sometimes is better to swallow the pride or fear and ask them. The worst that can happen is a "no" so should be fine. Easier said than done I know but with time you'll get better at it :)