Introducing Veews

in The CTP Swarm2 years ago


We had big plans when we join the blockchain almost 5 years ago. And one of those dreams became a reality tonight....


Welcome to - The first content discovery engine on Hive.

WTH is a content discovery engine?

One of the biggest needs we saw on Hive was a way for users to not only find, but engage with content that they loved. Before today, you had a few options like communities, trending topics and your own following. But as for discovering new content, that was tough.

Veews helps you discover new content on Hive by matching you with content that you ACTUALLY like! And the more you use Veews, the more targeted the content gets to what you want to spend your time on reading, watching and....Veewing :)


The process is as simple and all you need is a Hive account and @Keychain to log in...

Once you are in simply check off some categories that you have an interest in and start 'Veewing'.


A post will appear in the 'Veewer' and all you need to do is thumb up the content you like, and thumb down the content you don't. It's that simple.

And the more you use Veews, and give your thumbs up or down to content, the machine learning behind the screen does it's thing...You will start seeing more and more content that you absolutely love!

But wait....There's more....


This is a Hive front end!

So while the 'Thumbs up / Thumbs down' votes on Veews helps the platform to learn what to present to you...You can also upvote the content you enjoy as well, using Veews directly.

On top of that, you can also leave a comment or two, and engage with the content creator plus take part in the lively discussions on Hive :)


A few notes about this BETA launch of Veews:

  • This is beta, and we wanted to get an MVP out for the community. So right now, it's just the bare bones of the site. We are looking for people to give their feedback as well as provide any bugs reports they may come across. You can submit bug reports via the Veewer and Feedback inside your dashboard.


  • This is a bare bones MVP, so the site will get a fresh pain job when we go full launch. Right now, there isn't much inside to poke around at, but we'll keep adding things ;)

  • During BETA, we are only showing posts within the 7 day payout window. The plan in the future is to open it up to the entire Hive database! Which will integrate a form of tipping...

  • Which brings us to...Tokenization of Veews! YES, there will be a token involved as full tokenomics revealed for the platform. However during BETA we are more interested in getting the kinks out first and then putting the layer 2 tokens into the site! Will this be a brand new token or a pre-existing one? You'll have to stay tuned ;)

  • You can embed @threespeak , @aureal , @vimm ,YouTube, Twitch and Vimeo links into Veews. And they will all play directly inside the app. If you have an app and you want to make sure it's able to play inside of Veews, pop by our Discord!

  • Veews is mobile friendly! And works flawlessly with the @Keychain mobile browser.


Yes, we have plans to develop a mobile app as well for Veews down the road :)

  • And so much more....

We will continue to update everyone on how the app progresses but right now....

We need you Hive :)

Poke around!

Veew some content!

Give us feedback!

And help us develop the coolest content discovery engine ever built!

Hope you guys love it!

=> Check out


There are 2 pages

Always innovating and bringing value to Hive. Kudos!

Thank ya'. Appreciate the kind words and the support!


Looks awesome good job team! Looking forward to giving it a try!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's definitely a really neat addition to the ecosystem, and one I will be checking out here soon! :)

I'll check out the new site and see what I think.

Been hoping for something like this since the defunct

Hope people love it, I have been addicted to it since we started building it lolol

Interesting option for viewing Hive content will there be a reward incentive to use it added down the line.

It will be tokenized, but we hope that's a secondary reason to use it. We want people to use it because everytime they do, it gets better and better

Sure bro i hear ya of course, however just seems to me front ends will soon become a competitive area for the user base as more are created further down the line just being a cool tool or even the best won't be enough.

Plus mate entrepreneurship 101 monitize everything !LOL

It looks good mate i used it 👍


Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT - 0.1 THG - tokens to @benthomaswwd

remaining commands 9


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

@jongolson! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @benthomaswwd. (11/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

I don't want my wife any longer.
Her height is perfect.

Credit: reddit
@jongolson, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @benthomaswwd

Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ

@jongolson! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @benthomaswwd. (7/20)

@jongolson! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @benthomaswwd. (15/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

I had a quick look and it is already useful. There are some post rendering issues that I will log with bug reports. It would be good to be able to select other tags as some I might use, e.g. #music, are not showing up. The community tags are not so useful unless you memorise the numbers.

Great work guys.

Yeah the community tags are something we're thinking we can improve on so those dont show up but communities are visible. Thanks for testing it out!

I was impressed anyway. It looks like a few people are trying it. It would be interesting to hear what technology is behind the site.


Veews is mobile friendly! [... ]works flawlessly with the @Keychain mobile [...]

Why not implement HiveAuth login support? That would be very mobile-friendly!
Feel free to contact me if you need help to do so.

For sure man, let me get you in touch with Blain, I'm sure he can get it integrated!


Veews sounds like fun already!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

So far, people seem to like it :)

Crossing fingers!


I like it. People need to start tagging their posts properly...

Yuuuup! That's going to be a follow up post I have planned this week, proper tagging and better blog post titles lol


Is it analyzing titles?

I'd like to suggest eliminating tribe token tags and community tags from the list of topics, since you don't get "topics" when selecting those.

Yup, lots of feedback already from the users to get rid of the community tags. We'll look at a better way of presenting it.

I always thought those were ugly and not very user friendly anyways lol

I never liked them either and noticed many would use only those as tags rather than actual descriptive tags; they'll be kicking themselves in the butt once this service you're providing really takes off. I'll pat myself on the back now for at least trying to tag properly even though my work is an intentional disaster at times so it's hard to find the right words...

I won't be changing my titles though lol. Intentionally ridiculous most of the time, for entertainment purposes. AI likes to stunt creativity. That's always the catch.

Oh no doubt, entertaining titles are the best. I'm more referring to the 'Day 2893739 for November 2022' type titles lol

Today I Ate Food and These Are the Pictures

What an awesome project and thanks a lot for including keychain mobile app browser support!

I was sitting in bed last night, Veewing for hours on my phone. Mobile was a must for us to have for beta :)


I’ve read a ton of articles as well 😁

This is cool, I have tried previously to look for content through the use of tags but it did nothing but frustrate me. It looks like a good front end, I'll give it a try for sure.

Thanks very much! Yeah that's the goal for sure, to get people the content they actually want to see!


Now checking on it. So this is what TM shared earlier.

Just want to make it clear. If I downvote the post on VEEWS, will it not negatively affect the incentive to be received by the content creator?



Correct, the 'thumbs up and down' on the top of the page has nothing to do with Hive. That's to tell Veews if you like the content and want to see more of it or not.


It looks pretty cool.

We hope people like it and use it a ton!

we really needed this, fantastic!

This is a bare bones MVP, so the site will get a fresh pain job when we go full launch.

hope it will rather be a paint job ;)

@tipu curate

Oh most definitely. If you know me, I'm a little crazy when it comes to how things look and feel. I'll make sure it looks like a million bucks lol

Thanks for creating Veews!

I just wrote a post to share my thoughts as a user: This is how I like my Veews to be: 4 no-holds-barred thoughts after using Veews


Appreciate it, I'll most definitely go and check out the post!

Great project! Content discovery was always a problem on Hive, having to juggle between tabs. Now, it will happen easily and flawlessly with Veews. Will one also be able to log in with hivesigner somewhere down the road??

I doubt it, HiveSigner is just a head ache for me personally and have rarely used it. We'll try to add other options though if people don't have Keychain

Alright. Having other options will be good.

follow up: already loving the different way I am interacting with Hive! I hope the final version will be a bit more smooth but so far it's really good

Yeah the lag and stuff is from the nodes on Hive and we're going to be bringing in a way for people to choose which node they want. That's coming soon!

I'll give the app a look over the weekend if I remember and have some time. It does look nice since you allow users to do everything from a single front-end.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Only thing missing from the front end is the content creation part, but we figured it was better to create a content consuming platform and let the other front ends do what they do best for creation!

I'm already testing it, it looks really interesting. As always adding value to the ecosystem.

Trying to for sure :)

Looks pretty awesome. Still stuck in meetings but excited to check it out.

!CTP team strikes again and needs some !PIZZA

Interesting to see how the tokens works and if it is integrated with CTP. You got cool stuff int he works. Thanks for makig hive better.

Thanks man, appreciate you!

We hope everyone loves it. It's mobile friendly too, big win there :)


This does look like Stumbleupon. I think if we add one more section where people can add their product, website, blog outside hive and can get exposure. That may become something like producthubt and stumbleupon type mixture. A good project :)

Most definitely on our plans down the road. We've got some cool ideas we want to try to open this up to everyone while bringing more people to Hive.

I checked it out… It's pretty cool, and I'm excited for tokenization!

Thanks man, we have some massive plans for it. But we wanna make sure we do it right :)


I'm impressed. This is exactly what many people need on Hive. Let's see how it goes. On it right away

Thanks for trying it out :)

So far the feedback has been great. We'll keep improving!

Fantastic work Jon, this is a great tool to discover new content that we are interested in, keep it up and stay awesome.

Made in Canva


- @flaxz - Admin/Moderator

This post is AWESOME!
It will therefore be highlighted in our daily Curated Collections posting for today.
The goal of this project is to "highlight Awesome Content, and growing the Hive ecosystem by rewarding it".


Thank you sir, appreciate that!

👍 have a wonderful Wednesday 👋🏻☀️

Made in Canva

- @littlebee4 - Comment Moderator

@jongolson! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @thisisawesome. (4/30)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

I like it. At first, the posts showed were all over the place, but it slowly learns, so it'll be a great tool when I find myself searching for some targeted content.

Yeah that's the thing, the more we use it, the more targeted it will get. So every day down the road when you use it, it'll just spit content out that you love.

Awesome addition to the HIVE ecosystem!

Thanks man, it's been a fun 24 hours so far :)

It reminds me of an old site named "Hot or Not".

And as an immature teenager, without a team or very many ideas, I almost bought a cloned script of it, intended to be named "Ugly or Fugly".

ha ha ha ha I remember that site. Long time ago for sure.

Ugly or Fugly would have been a hit! lol


BTW, how are things going with your other projects, such as:

  1. HivePay.
  2. ClickTrackProfit.

It's hard to me to stay informed about Hive projects, and crypto, given the busyness of DBuzz.

Posted via D.Buzz

HivePay is doing it's thing, always working :) And CTP is the tribe that keeps on moving forward. No slowing down :)

Nice.. DBuzz will be 3 years old as a project this January 1, 2023.

On average, we released a new version every single week (Testnet, Mainnet, or both).

The shakeup on #Twitter definitely makes things interesting.

Posted via D.Buzz


Posted via D.Buzz

Should be intresting to see how this develops but this is a good base to work on :)

Thanks for popping by and testing it out!

nice idea, nice initiative! I was just exploring this new platform! Good luck ;)

Appreciate the kind words and support!

Great idea, I love it! I think it's a good addition to Hive. Will give it a try.

Let us know what you think when you do :)

I really think this is going to be great for everyone here now and in the future. Content discovery absolutely has needed a boost and this will help out a lot in that area.

I will be trying this out some today.

Also I really like the name and logo.

ha ha ha Dude I saw your stuff pop up when I was Veewing and thought I should screen capture it because that logo looks great lolol

Much love for that!

A pretty sweet discovery there that would sure serve some great uses...

Thank you sir, we hope people enjoy it!

Cool! I'll check it out ;)

Thank ya' Capt'n!

I like it! Looking forward to see how it grows and improves!

An excellent interface and very easy to use, I congratulate you.


What do you say when someone you dislike dies suddenly?
I don't bereave it!

Credit: reddit
@jongolson, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @edgerik

Are You Ready for some $FUN? Learn about LOLZ's new FUN tribe!

Thank you sir, hope you enjoy it!

That's pretty awesome. I know a lot of people have been looking for something like this for quite some time now. Even though we are fairly small there is still a lot of content to dig through. This should help people a lot. Nice job!

Thanks man, and yeah when it is out of beta, we'll open it up to the history of the blockchain and let people find those posts from years ago!

That will be awesome. Looking forward to seeing how this evolves!

Big plans to open it up outside of Hive too and bring more people here. But that's down the road lol

That's awesome!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulations! Web2 social media platforms heavily use machine learning to show users content they might like. I am pleased that you are working in this direction at Hive. I think Veews will fill an essential gap for Hive.

The current trending algorithm prioritizes content based on the monetary value of the votes they receive. On the other hand, how many people read the content is also important. We can see the number of views on Peakd. It may be helpful to use both criteria together.

Interacting with a person results in being more curious about the content they produce. Therefore, I would like to see the content of my friends with whom I interact first.

The time spent on a page and whether scrolling down is done on that page can also give an idea about the content. Because I guess the like and dislike buttons will not be used much.

An algorithm that considers the tags of interest with the above criteria would have pleased me as a user.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yup, all in the plans. We want to make sure people see their friends stuff as well and do it in a way that they are always loving what they see.

Congrats on the beta launch
Looks interesting, will poke around later.
Will surely open a support ticket, if i find any issues or bugs. A challenge in itself :-)


No need for any support tickets, the report bug button is right in the Veewer :)

Ho-ho! That's awesome! I'm definitely going to try this, as I've recently been wondering again about finding content I like on Hive quickly!

Successful developments in the future as well! I'll be sure to keep an eye out for a token!)

That's awesome to hear :)

The main goal is to give people valuable content that they truly enjoy!

So are you using an AI engine to pop the algorithm?

It's all built by the good sir @blainjones He came up with the algo. And he does have a little bit of Terminator / Skynet in him lol

@jongolson - It's always epic to be a witness to the CTP brand expanding it's universe and bringing value to the HIVE blockchain. Proud of you all!! !CTP

Thank you brother! It's been a long time coming, glad the MVP is out...Now comes the big vision for it :)


i was interested to see will i be able to train it to show me good photography on hive :) not that it makes a lot of sense as there are few good communities for that, but want to see how will it do. a bit of a hard starting point as there was no tag for any photography in interests tags, so a lot of next clicking. we will see.
no bugs at the moment.

Yup, for sure. So the more you 'like' those kind of posts with the photo tags, the more content it'll show you.

If you don't see any photo tags on the dashboard, refresh a few times until you see them. Choose it and it'll start showing you the content.


Yeh this super cool. We needed something for content discovery big time on here. And I actually just got lost in it messing around with the app so it works pretty well… lol


Thanks man, we thought it was the perfect fit for Hive! If there are any bugs, let us know :)


It's going to take time to get use to but in the end it'll be a hit.

We tried to make it as straight forward as possible, hope to get as many people using it as possible.


So it is like Tinder for content!! I'm going to start swiping right soon!

ha ha ha ha ha EXACTLY that!!!! Swipe right lolol

Oh cool Jon!
Im looking forward to Viewing Veewing 😄
This will be awesome!
Have a great day and evening.

Thanks Barb, hope you enjoy it!

Well, this is gonna be interesting, since we know... HIVE community seems to have some 'difficulties' to correctly tag their posts.

That'll be the next challenge...Getting people to use the correct tags lol

This one is a home run, for sure. It is a perfect complement front end for Hive.
It is a game-changer for finding content.

Great job, CTP Team.


Thanks man, glad you like it. We hope it adds a ton of value to people!

So if I understand it correctly, this app will build a model of what I like specifically, and this is some kind of neural network machine learning thing? What data does it use to figure out if I might like something (beyond tags which are mentioned clearly in the video)? Does it use what other people like to suggest content to me?

The more you like things, the more you are served the content that aligns with those likes. Right now, the easiest way for us to do that is through tags.

There are 2 pages