#MyHiveGoals - Decisions Upcoming!

in The CTP Swarm2 years ago

Updated! #MyHIVEGoals For 2020.png

It's safe to say....

I'm addicted to pretty much everything on this blockchain!

And one of those addictions is....Yeah...You guessed it....


Not only did I grab a whitelist spot for their Runi launch last week, I also dove into both pre-sales of RiftWatchers and Tower Defence.

But here's my dilemma...

Splinterfest is coming up in a few weeks, and I'm once again...On the fence lol

I really wanna go!

So much so that I've even convinced my business partner to go to Vegas for the event as well....

It's crazy right?

Hive. This blockchain just oozes with opportunities for those that take action, and I'm so thankful I didn't wait around for the Splinterlands bull run of last year to...Take action.

That's the nugget today!

Don't wait for the next bullrun...Get active NOW! Believe me, you'll be thankful you did ;)

150,000 Hive Power


Hello positive account growth my old friend!

Back on the upwards climb after I stopped the latest powerdown....

150,000 - 88,501.55 = 61,498.45 left to go

Pretty excited to see the upswing back on my account. Crossing fingers this lasts a few months lol

40,000 LEO & 1,000,000 SPT


Nice growth on my LEO stash this week as well...

40,000 - 34,313.34 = 5,686.66 left to go

Excited to see this getting closer to my goal. Chipping away, each and every day!


And not to be outdone...

The SPT stacks are growing nicely as well!

1,000,000 - 921,539.76 = 78.460.30 left to go

Under 80k!

We should hit that goal sooner rather than later :)

Dollar Cost Average Into Hive Engine Projects

Like I mentioned above, I took part in the Runi whitelist sale last week.

Which means I had to dip into my Voucher pool....So that went down quite a bit. But I was able to add a bunch of INDEX and SPS shares in place of it.

99.948 SPS/SWAP.HIVE (shares in pool)
-44.603 VOUCHER/SWAP.HIVE (shares in pool)

And after this week's buys I'm at....

12,710 @he-index

Wins and losses there. Still pretty happy with all the cheap INDEX I've been able to buy up!

100 Hive / Day Rewards

Been getting tough to keep these rewards coming in. Which is strange because, there seems to be a lot less creators on chain during the bull run. Still, we show up, and keep on keeping on. Let's see how we did this past week...

27.24 Rewards from Creating
10.77 Rewards from Curating
14 Rewards from Misc.

Total rewards = 52.01 per day

A little bump from last week which is always good...

Looks like I need to get better with my curation and spend a lot more time in Listnerds for content ;)


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Dude, I completely understand the addiction to the Hive Blockchain! I'm right there with you! I need to pull myself away! I have a massive amount to go before I'm anywhere near your neck of the Hive woods! I'm fully committed, dedicated, focused, determined, and utterly tenacious, so I absolutely will get there, and beyond! Congratulations on your stellar growth! 🙏 💚

Thanks for stopping by!

Yeah it's such a passion of mine now. Literally wanna make this my career lol


Thanks for stopping by!

Absolutely, you got it! I really appreciate you and what you do here!

Yeah it's such a passion of mine now. Literally wanna make this my career lol

My passion was pretty strong when I arrived here a year ago, and holy jumping fuckmuffins has that passion grown! I very definitely understand, as it's utterly remarkable and extraordinary! 🙏 💚

Well well getting closer to the goal!
Hope you make it to Splinterfest by the way! Tbh these sort of meetups does not really happens, if I had the opportunity I would have rushed to them. Missing all these meetups and later watching the piks and experiences shared by the bloggers is indeed great but at the same time makes me feel bad for not attending. But hope you get there and still do share your experience. As this is probably going to be awesome as we speak.

Yeah I really wanna go, just gotta see if I can make it happen!


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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @jongolson, @joydukeson ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

A lot of great projects to be addicted to, I know the feeling…

Keep crushing it man!

Thank you sir!

Slow and steady :)


I think it makes sense to go!

If the stars align, I'll be there!


It's a tough choice but it will just depend on how high of a priority it will be for you. I don't plan on going to Splinterfest at all because work will be keeping me busy anyways.

Also, great job on your goals. Your getting there slowly and it looks like your power-down is over now too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's a pretty big priority. History in the making, I wanna be there for it.


Another good week you've had and back to growth. If you go to las vegas we expect publications 🤣

Oh that's for sure!!


That's dope AF! You have to take vlogs, pictures and everything about the event because I want to know all about it! I wont be going this year however if things are on the up and up next year for the game etc I'm for sure booking a ticket

Hoping it's a go. I'll have to make the decision this week, but I'm hoping it works out!



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Go to splinterfest!!! Do whats best for you.

I will be there Saturday!


Oh nice! Yeah man, I'm doing my best to get there!


Splinterfest sounds like a fun event. Ever since Corona is out I had less of social events. I wish I was in US or Canada to go to that place but current scenario is too costly for me to go there. If you get a chance, then definitely go! Looking at the stats your Hive progress has been pretty smooth so far. Cheers!

It's pretty cheap for me to get to Vegas from where I am. Just legally, will the country let me in because I'm not vaccinated lol


This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

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dkid14 tipped jongolson (x1)
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Wow this is great achievement, I wish to be like you but I am still new here and I will love to learn the secret from you sir