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RE: #3StepsToday - Invest in Yourself. Invest in Hive.

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

I came across this post in my feed and was wondering what #3StepsNoExcuses is all about. This is impressive! Basically all about pursing at least 3 goals per day and seeing them through. Am I right? I'd love to know more.

I'm glad your account is dedicated to voting quality contents and I'll be sure to use this tag on my posts as I get to understand what your account is all about. Great work investing in Hive! 🙂

 3 years ago  


Precisely. #3StepsNoExcuses is a solid 30 day challenge to do 3 simple steps each day. The goal is to be better at sunset than at sunrise each day. This technique works. I'm proof. If I can do it, anyone can.

As a group, CTP (Click Track Profit) went through this challenge and we had some stellar results. I posted my results here.

Instead of focusing on the big picture, we focus on one days' simple steps. I've created an entire site now off of the concept: https://3Steps.Today and have taken the 30 days of 3 steps and made it into a free course that walks you through it. You can see the sign up for that here.

It's been really rewarding for us to go through it, and I developed personally as a person and professionally as an affiliate marketer.

Nice to meet you, btw. I followed you. I see you're a writer.


Thank you for your response, @robwillmann. I have followed you and signed up for the email course. I hope to learn more about #3StepsNoExcuses. Great work! 🙂

 3 years ago  

Since you write (I am looking at your content now), I'd love any feedback on my e-course. If you're reading it and something doesn't make sense, let me know. Always in need of honest feedback.

And thank you so much for signing up. That means much to me. :)

  • Rob

Really? Hehehe, alright. I'll be sure to let you have my feedback. 🙂