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RE: Hump Day Vlogging - Product of a product, Hive footers, and more...

in The CTP Swarm4 years ago

I agree with you very much on this subject. I look at the pitchy posts on here basically the same way I do spam a lot of the time. I do put a few banners in the bottom of my posts and if you click on one of them great if not then that's okay also, I know most people wont but in my mind they are seeing it like a Coke or Pepsi logo and will remember later the branding of it. If I do a review on something I will put a link for it but most everything else I promote to my list not the open public. Great points in your video.

 4 years ago  

Thanks, Mike for your comment... I didn't mean on your post at all... :)
It was more about writing an ordinary blog post, and than BAM some pitch come from nowhere... lol...

Like @achim03 said in his comment, you (don't mean you directly... lol) have done an awesome post, and you devaluated it with some pitch at the end... There is no sense...

That's exactly what @jongolson preaching... push and pull... It's like people are scared that they will not have time to push, so they are using it EVERY time... or it's just a thought that they are wasting time if they don't SELL something... don't know...