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RE: Why do you want to lose money

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

This is really great information to have. I am not exactly clear on how you factored an apr from curation, Did you factor what you have staked compared to what you are paid monthly for upvoting, and used that percentage as you apr? If so did you use your previous 12 months (curation, author, delegation rewards) for your data pool?
Has anyone else noticed that the system pays author rewards on comments?
Great article,interesting concept :-)


To make a comparaison between delegating to brofi and curating by yourself, I took only the values that would change. This wouldn't have an influence on author rewards for example. If you delegate to brofi, you will get bro tokens distributed as a rewards but you wouldn't get curation rewards. If you don't delegate to brofi you don't get delegation rewards but you generate curation rewards. To calculate them, I took an account who only has ctp tokens staked (@achim03.ctp) and used the tool as an average income from the last 30 days, divided by 30 and then multiplied by 365 day to get an APR. The tool actually calculates the APR for you. This doesn't comprehend any author rewards. I get more than 20% on all my accounts that have CTP tokens staked and that are using their full voting power.

example: @achim03.ctp

Maybe you also want to look at this post where one of the witnesses compares curation returns for different tribes. He even gets 25% APR for CTP.

Thank you so much, that is an excellent answer, and that Hive tool is so much fun almost lost 12 min playing with it. Thank you so much you have taught me a great deal today 😀


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