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RE: Quick Update On The Index Token & It's Holdings

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

That is excellent. I hope to be inthe business of renting cards. BTW renting cards to produce income for index holders is genius. A true win / win scenario for everyone. That is some Warren Buffet stuff right there.

I read about HashKings in #oneup community. The game looks like a lot of fun, I guess it is based on the fantasy of owning and operating a grow op. Back in the 80s thru 2000 people love the comedy of Cheech & Chong, but still considered a sociatal taboo. Recently with the National legalization in Canada, and most of the States in the U.S. legalizing it, I am happy to see the taboo slowly lift.


Yeah, we're excited to bring the token into the holdings and give back to INDEX holders. That's always the plan!