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RE: Climbing the Pyramid of Fandom - Create Quick Wins!

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

I have not read this book as of yet. The superfan concept is genius. I am thinking Star Wars that little low-budget Sci-Fi flick from the 70s that no one can seem to stop talking about.
The Studio never expected Star Wars to be very popular because in the 70s it was all about gritty cop movies or westerns. Did you know the studio gave Lucas 100% of the merchandising rights lol "Huge Mistake" lol :-D
Your summary of the book has incredible value. I often have trouble taking what I read in a good book and applying it to the real world.
Thank you :-)


It's been useful to do these types of posts. It helps me understand even more what the book is saying, or at least I try to compare to the real world as you say, probably my practical side working lol

Thank You!


lol isn't that weird how our brains work. We have a basic personality, but when we inspect closer we find that our basic personality is multi-faceted like a diamond, the more light we shine in the more brilliantly the light seems to dance.
Learning from all of you, sharing, and comparing ideas, gives me that warm feeling of friendship :-)