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RE: What is your favourite blockchain game?

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

I have an account for every one of the games you listed except Exode. I also play Upland, Spells of Genesis, and Crazy Defense Heroes. However, I have recently stopped playing Cryptobrewmaster. With the increased cost of neededing a passport, not fully understanding how best to progress in the game, and not being able to figure out how to earn much, it was just not worth the effort. I also played Town Star for a while, but found it takes too much of my time on order to progress in the game.

As far as my favorite, I would say I generally prefer the card games (mostly Splinterlands and Rising Star). dCity is OK, but there is not much of a "play" aspect to it. I am also waiting to see how dCrops plays.

 3 years ago  

It looks that lot of people like similar games... SL and RS are favorites for most... And for me personally... I have to check dCrops... :)


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Ah, I forgot about Spells of Genesis :D That was a decently entertaining game. Haven't heard of Crazy Defense Heroes, how is that one?

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