Allocated Some of My1440 to Relearning Amazon's FBA Program

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

My Relearning Amazon FBA Adventure Today (1).png
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Move the books, store the books or send them to sell with Amazon FBA?

I could have moved the books to the house but they have been sitting taking up space for a long time and I have hardly touched them. So, not moving them to my Dad's house where we will have less space and they probably will still sit untouched and taking up space.

Could have put them in storage. We rented a large storage unit to have enough space to put our stuff that won't fit at the house. But we rented the larger space so that we would have room to move around in the there and rearrange things as needed. Why keep stuff in there that hasn't been used and probably won't be used? I could have donated it. We have been donating some items that we don't want to keep or throw away. But why would I want to send the books to a donation center where other resellers would pick them up and sell them when I could do that myself?

So, that is what I spent a few hours doing today! There are several videos available that I could have watched to get started. But I have done this before. It's been a long time. Seven years to be exact. I thought it was a better idea to poke around and dive in and just list the books and get them sent in already.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, Amazon has a program called FBA or Fulfilled By Amazon. It is for third party sellers to send in items and Amazon fulfills and sends them out. One big advantage to this is that your items that are fulfilled by Amazon are eligible for Prime shipping to customers. That makes them more attractive to buyers and Amazon handles all the customer service and sending out the items and storing them in their warehouses. This is not free but when you consider that you don't have to have items laying around your house and you can monetize them by sending them to Amazon to have them send them out I think it is worth it.

I have an Individual Selling account right now because as of yet I don't know how much I am going to sell and when. So, I have to pay an extra fee of $0.99 per item plus the commission and other fees involved. But that's okay because as I mentioned above the stuff was sitting around collecting dust anyway so anything I can make from it is good for me. And I can invest that money into other things I will need for my business.

And you get a discount for shipping items into Amazon when you use their partnered carriers. I am reusing a box from Amazon that I got when ordered other items from them so I didn't have to buy another box for that. I am sending in 21 books at around 25 pounds with UPS and it's only costing $7.26 which will come off of the money I earn when the books sell. Not bad.

The box is going to the UPS Store tomorrow and then I can track the rest of the process.

So that's how I allocated and invested some of My1440 today.

I don't plan on waiting two weeks to post again.

Have a great evening!

 3 years ago  

I'd love to know how it goes with FBA. My wife and I should look into that considering what we sell currently.

I will let you know, Rob! It took the need to get organized to move to kick me in the butt to give it another try with these books that I don't want to drag to the house or the storage unit.

What do you guys sell? I will definitely keep you updated about how things go, Rob! Just dropped the box off at the UPS store this morning. Thanks for commenting. Appreciate the Support.
Have a great day! 😀

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