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RE: The OCD Incubation Program - Trying To Get CTP On Their Radar!

in The CTP Swarm4 years ago (edited)

To the great people in @OCD/@ocdb, we have always proven how passionate & resilient we are in this community. Everything from #2020Vision to Erik's amazing IAAC movement, we never hesitate to do a blog or a video about what drives us. We have all types of content from affiliate marketing & business to self improvement & hobbies. There is something for everyone here. We have projects like @ctpsb CTP Swarm Booster, Curation trails & so many ways to support one another.

Our community members are driven, passionate & truly believe in our mission - to highlight you, the creators & hive owners. As we branch out to encourage others to show their passions and brands, we think you will like what you see! ;)


A big family!

I truly believe that :)

Thanks so much for being a part of that Jenn!

If they read this feed, how can they not see our passion.