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RE: Bee Part of the Swarm Honey Pot - 28 September 2020 - This Post CLOSED for Entries

in The CTP Swarm4 years ago

Congratulations to @ph1102! :)

This bee (which I believe is the Anthophora pueblo) has been found in Utah, southwest Colorado, and the Death Valley area of California. So it travels a bit as well ;) 🐝

 4 years ago  

and that would Bee a very correct answer

 4 years ago  

Yay! The bees are rejoicing he he. But I am not a Bee Whisperer as @ph1102 & @rcaine seem to think I am! 😂🤣

 4 years ago (edited) 

The Pedastals that people place others on, its Inhumane I say