It's @RobsJourney - my 3 Steps.Today for Christians

^^ That's me and my mom Sharon, who is visiting from back home.

Hey everyone, it's @threesteps. I've made a new account here on Hive called @robsjourney and I'll be going through P.A.R., my 3-Step system I created to get things done.

Why a new account?

With @robsjourney I encourage others in their Christian walk and grow myself as well! I want to encourage my fellow Christians in their journey toward the Lord as I myself take these same 3 steps daily.

Great! What's the 3 Steps?

I use 3 Steps each day in my walk and I share this with others. It's rather simple.

  1. Pray - Prayer is our talking to the Lord.
  2. Read God's Word - We read to hear Him.
  3. Share - Let's encourage each other by using the #forthelord tag.

How can I join in?

Each day go through the 3 steps and use the #forthelord tag on your posts! I'll curate and upvote content using this tag. It's my way of encouraging others to grow toward God.

Pray, read, and share!


I also use the #ctp, #leo and #ctptalk tags, because I want to grow this account's curation power.


Love it!

Looking forward to this man!

We started the bible in a year reading plan in The Kingdom, hint hint nudge nudge, you should join along lol

Nice! I re-blogged this one on my @threesteps account.