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RE: Being Different - Curse or a Blessing?

in The CTP Swarm4 years ago

All I can say is thank goodness for age, it makes you more aware of the self and how important difference is.

I never fitted in as a child either, being dyslexic didnt help the cause and moving every 1.5 years and a different country every 3 years due to military parents didn't make it too bad, you quickly realised that you just had to be yourself because you were going to move soon and how confusing would that be to try and be something your not every 1.5 years

I believe, after my major accident when I was 17 I basically had to re discover myself and became acutely aware of how different I was, rather than fitting in with the people in my surrounding I moved to a place where I was the surroundings, I then through discovery realised the strength in self and the joy of being able to explore and express that.

It has been a journey, but then you find kindred spirits and the difference gets celebrated :)

I am very happy that I am different yet the same

 4 years ago  

All I can say is thank goodness for age, it makes you more aware of the self and how important difference is.

First, we try to fit and be good with everyone, later we want to stand out from the crowd and have a voice... Humans are weird creatures... :)

As I can see, you had a similar childhood as @maddogmike... Military parents and a lot of moving around... I believe it wasn't fun as a child having to move every 3 (or less) years... I was thinking about the same when we have decided to move to Spain... Trying to "spare" my son of the "torture", so we have done that before he got friends and girlfriends... :P

And the accident surely changed all in your life, and you had to start from scratch... I can't even imagine how hard was that...

But, at the end, if you didn't have all those experiences, who knows what kind of person would you be... It's cool when you "embrace" differences... :)

More-less, you are doing great and we love you as you are :)
