The Honey Pot - 30 July 2020 - This Post CLOSED for Entries

in The CTP Swarm4 years ago (edited)


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Tell me about the your favorite Theatre Play

Some Great Kids Books were remembered, I also remember the Jungle Book but also a book called Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome - A bit of a kids adventure book


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Congrats to Jenn (@pixiepost).

Here's a bit of family history. My daughter got involved in theater around the age of five (she played Molly in "Annie" and her grandfather played FDR). A little later we were actually in a production of "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" together (she had the leading role of "Beth" and I played...her father!). She loved theater so much growing up that she went on to major in Theater in college. My favorite theater production is any one that she is involved in.

 4 years ago  

Thank you so much @familyhistory! I appreciate you. :) It's funny I used to act a bit in high school and community college. It was fun but a lot of work lol. 💕

Yes...It definitely takes commitment. Between learning your lines, blocking, rehearsals, and performances, it requires quite a bit of time. Plus you have costumes and props to deal with, entrances and exits to be aware of, and remembering your cues. A lot of things go into a production behind the scenes that most people don't realize. But, you're is a lot of fun.

 4 years ago  

Congrats to Pixie for the win, and a Swedish play called Kristina Från Duvemåla is one that was very beautiful and I remember very well, based on the books by Wilhelm Moberg and is about a few families migrating from Sweden to America in the 1800's, the music was very beautiful and written by Björn and Benny from ABBA.

 4 years ago  

Thanks Erik! :) It was a nice surprise this morning lol. :) 💙

 4 years ago  


 4 years ago  

Here is the most famous song from it.

My absolute favorite play is "Much Ado About Nothing." Cannot beat the Bard!

Yes, that's a great one!

My favorite was seeing Phantom of the Opera at Pantages theater in Toronto...was cool, after the show we went to back of the theatre and I got to meet the Phantom! 😄

 4 years ago  

YAY!!!! What a nice surprise! :) Thank you. :)

I have seen quite a few good plays during my childhood & early teen years, but I think the one that stands out to me is the only time I saw a Broadway play in NYC. I went with my parents. My Dad was there for business but we made a vacation out of it, too. The play wasn't a well known one but it was a drama/comedy called "Rumors". It showed how stories people tell each other are totally misinterpreted as the same story is passed on through several characters. It shows the domino effect quite comically. It was really fun & the actors were outstanding. The excitement of being at Broadway was more than enough for a great experience as well. :)

Congrats, Jenn! Sounds like that play ought to be revived for 2020!

 4 years ago  

🤣🤣😄 I think you are definitely right about that!! Thank you so much! Nice to see ya!! 💜

Shame on you @russellstockley Theater really and with English schooling you couldn't spell it proper.
I was not here.

 4 years ago  

lol, that was auto correct, I always spell it Theatre, but that darn Yankee auto correct changed it on me

Congratulations, Jenn, @pixiepost! I have seen so many great plays on stage it's actually hard to pick one. One did come to mind as I was thinking about what I would pick for my favorite. It is called They're Playing Our Song. It is about the relationship between Carol Bayer Sager (lyricist) and Marvin Hamlisch (composer). Nice story and I like the music alot too.

 4 years ago  

Thanks Lisa! :) It's nice to win occasionally :) 💛

You're welcome, Jenn! 😀 Yes, it is! 💚

My favourite theatre play - as in, one that I have actually seen staged - was a production of Vanbrugh's "The Relapse - or Virtue in Danger," a late Restoration comedy before the tedious moralizing of the puritan middle class gained the upper hand in the English theatres. I was at the York Festival and the play was performed in the garden of Grays Court. Years later, I returned to Grays Court as an English teacher and used to enjoy the break times between classes in the very same garden.

Here's a photo I took of Grays Court from the walls of York when I last visited York with my daughter in 2016.

Screenshot 2020-07-30 at 7.15.26 PM.png

 4 years ago  

My favorite theatre play is an easy one - I'm from Prince Edward Island so it's definitely Anne of Green Gables The Musical.

Little PEI history: up until Covid stopped everything, Anne of Green Gables The Musical was running in our local theatre for 55 consecutive summers making it the longest running musical play in Guinness World Record history!

I think I've probably seen it 55 times in my 36 years and I laugh and smile and sing every single time like it's my first! I hope it starts back up after all of this so I can take my girls :)

Congrats Jenn (@pixiepost)
My favorite play is the Fantasticks which ran for 42 years with over 17,000 performances. I will never forget the first time I saw it and 3 people came out of a truck sitting on a concrete floor.

 4 years ago  

Thanks @rcaine! We are all winning! LOL :) 💚

Congratulations @pixiepost for the win today

The only thing I can think of seeing as a play as a kid Is the nutcracker.

 4 years ago  

Thanks @howyf2 I appreciate it :) (I loved the Nutcracker btw!) 💜

 4 years ago  

Congratulations, @pixiepost! Finally, you will not whine how you never win... :P 😛

Anyway, I didn't watch any theatre piece in English and I would't like to confuse you with some in other languages... :)

 4 years ago  

What? What did you say? I couldn't hear over my whining ;) Thank you! :) 💕

  • discreetly writes "more pixie stompings for Zoltan" on List*

WTG on winning the honey pot today Jenn

I think I have only ever seen one play live and that was Oklahoma

Congrats Sis!
Not so long ago I watched a musical play about Lion King and it was so magical even though I wasn't watching live.
It's been a very very long time last time I watched a play..was mostly from school for Portuguese classes that we needed to do a report or a test.
Good luck for tomorrow!


As the winner of The Honey Pot and a real Fireballer, @pixiepost will get 69 extra entries for the CTP Blueprint Fireball GiveAway!
For more info about the Drawing click here :)

 4 years ago  

Thanks Sis!! :) Always such a nice surprise & thank you for the extra entries, too! :) 💚

congrats @pixiepost

 4 years ago  

Thanks @imfarhad! I appreciate you :) 💓

Congrats @pixiepost, looks like your pixie dust is coming back....

 4 years ago  

Ha ha ha yes it is & Sunday, it will be fully "returned" ;) Thank you! :) 💛

I love winning and I am sharing positive energy with everyone involved with this sharing and giving! One love!

 4 years ago  

Thank you! Same goes for you! Have an awesome day :) 💕

Congrats @pixiepost :)

Well, it's not so much the theater play as the bonding moment that we share. The latest one was the Phantom of the Opera last year at Solaire Resort & Casino. My daughter waited 7 years to watch it again. She was much younger when they first came, so we weren't able to watch that time. Last year, her dream was fulfilled.

almost the weekend once again.... yehey!

 4 years ago  

Thank you @iamraincrystal! You won, too! YAY We did good today! LOL 😁💜

Indeed we did 🤗🤗 happy weekend to you!!

Posted using Dapplr

 4 years ago  

To you, too, girl! I can't believe it's here already lol. 😊💛

Congrats @pixiepost for the win

Favorite theatre would have to be Phantom of the Opera the original of course

 4 years ago  

Yay! Thanks @bonnie30! :) 💚

Congrats @pixiepost
Have never been to any theatre or had interest in theatre plays..

 4 years ago  

Thanks @chmoen! I appreciate you! :) 💚

congrats today's winner @pixiepost wtg Jen you really think I am going to remember that far back lol

 4 years ago  

Thanks Eric! A surprise as always! LOL :) 💙

Congratulations, Jenn, @pixiepost! for the win.

 4 years ago  

Thanks Sheila! Appreciate it :) 💚

I am not much of a theater person so I don't have an answer

I once wrote 2 play in school and none get staged.

Congratulations @pixiepost! Enjoy! :)
Have a nice day!

 4 years ago  

Thank you @rezoanulvibes! Have a fantastic day :) 💙

Congrats @pixiepost!!

Theaters plays, well I only remember actually going to see a play once so long ago that I don't even remember the name of the play. But I am a Tyler Perry fan and love all of his plays.