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RE: What is your favourite blockchain game?

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

Ok, my experience. I play, or I should say, I've played two games: Holybread and Cryptobrewmaster. And for quite some time.
Holybread started to bore me, I'm still pretty high but I can't do it anymore.
Cryptobrewmaster I've been playing since the very beginning, as a beer lover I posted regularly #beersaturday posts for the last three years here (or more?), and all that, I've invested quite a bit in it, I've won weekly prizes several times, but: lately, I've been losing money brewing beer, I've been paying more for all the supplies than I've been getting for the beer I've been selling, so I'm slowly getting tired of that as well. And this is not normal.
I also have quite a lot of some cards that are completely useless, I can't even sell them (especially now that they introduced some stricter conditions for the market) so the will to play this game is slowly passing me by. More and more there are some unlivable conditions in the game, various cards are piling up, I can't sell them and I'm just waiting for one day when I'll pull down what CBM tokens I have and spend them on something else ...

I don't want to play anymore, I'm spending too much time on it. I'm not exactly the youngest and I still have something useful to do in my life. Maybe it's too much with this crypto world...

Just my five cents 😎 🍻


The King suggests delegating to a younger member of your family. It becomes another common denominator and can help bridge the gap between generations. The King thinks thou hast generated thirst!


 3 years ago  

The King suggests delegating to a younger member of your family.

That is actually an awesome idea! :)


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Hey @seckorama, here is a little bit of BEER from @kingneptune for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

I never really went into the Cryptobrewmaster game. What you say doesn't seem to be really positive. I think that a lot of games on the blockchain are lacking in many respects. They either have a poor game play or poor tokenomics or both combined. It can get boring quickly.

Thanks a lot for sharing your experience!


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