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RE: What is your favourite blockchain game?

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

I totally missed the mission again :) Thats because I was writing about games in my most recent post on leo finance
Well as some of you know I like Splinterlands a lot and Risingstar is also a very cool game. Both games are actually earning me some small amounts each day. I like it when a game is rewarding.
What other games on the blockchain? There is plenty one of my favorites is Upland. It has a slow pace and you can play with a few clicks a day.
There is a first person shooter coming by a company called VIBE, as I love FPS games I am really excited about that.
I hope I am not too late :)


2 credits + 3 bonus credits added

Amazing! Thanks!

@solymi denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@solymi thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

I hope I am not too late :)

No problem :-). Thanks for your comment. I have tried Upland but I haven't invested and it seems I can't go anywhere. On the other hand the game doesn't inspire me enough to make an initial investment.


Yeah it is kinda boring, I made good progress in the beginning I onboarded some new accounts and they made me a decent amount of UPX also new players are ready to purchase property that I bought for 960 UPX for 10k UPX, I will probably exit the game as soon as they have the Fiat market installed :)

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