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RE: Tokens On My Radar! | Getting It All Together... Part 3

in The CTP Swarm2 years ago

I'm glad we were able to work this out. I have received your payment and will begin sending the cards immediately. Please bare with me as I have never transferred cards before. I like to know that I'm doing it right so I will start with Mother Khala & the other two, but on at a time. Please let me know that you received them so I don't worry. I don't know if you can send multiple cards or how many. but I'm always scared of thing getting lost in transit when you send a lot, so I'll be sending them 4 or 5 at a time to keep things simple for me. I will let you know when I'm done.
Please remember to let me know about the first three cause I won't send the rest til I know you got them.