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RE: What will happen when chaos legion comes out?

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

İf they offered the new packs to be purchased with DEC only (like dice), so it will be 2000 dec, considered like 2$ (like the dice) , i think this would even push the DEC prices higher.
Because they are dealing with dec here not dollars.
İf they wanted to equalize this matter they would have did it previously while there is some dice available (it is all sold now) by making the crypto option available at the same moment the dec started to rise up.
İs there an official article talking about the availability of buying with credits or other cryptos generally ?


When I look back, it was always possible to buy alpha, beta and untamed with credits. Therefore I believe that for chaos legion it will be the same.

İ wasn't there for alpha, beta and untamed😆 then i think things are going to be in a total mess.