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RE: What is your favourite blockchain game?

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

Right now I would probably say Splinterlands, since there's the most "game" to it. I liked God's Unchained well enough, but the whole Etherium block chain thing really put me off on it.

Other Etherium/Enjin games that I've tried are Lost Relics, which is okay if you like Diablo style games; 5 Dragons, which was barely playable with my PC specs; Kingdom Karnage, which barely had a player base; Min-Mins, which was an interesting concept, but poorly documented; and Forest Knight, which was too poorly scaled or just pay-to-play in a single player game. I haven't kept playing any of them actively.

I've been casually playing Rising Star and Holy Bread for other Hive games. I played a little Crypto Brewmaster, but had trouble getting into it. Dcity was too much of an investment for too little gameplay.

I've been doing mining on Alien Worlds, but it's not exactly a game right now... more of a faucet that paid out very well. There's R-Planet and Collect.Social, which are also more farming mechanics than games :/ I tried Upland early on, but found it extremely boring and not really a "game".

I tried Neon District, but the minimal content didn't really hold my interest too long. I had the same problem with Town Star, the gameplay wasn't all that appealing to me.

I tried to play Dark Country, but couldn't find an opponent. I might give it another chance if they develop the game more, but right now it seems like they're more interested in doing "land" sales than making a card game people actually play.

I just picked up Exode based off Khazrahk's recommendations. Seems interesting, and nice to see something that's more of a game and less of a monetary scheme dressed up as a game. Or, a game that would have been better without having blockchain items tossed in to add a paid element.

Curious to see Unsung Hero when it comes out, which hopefully will be out on Hive sometime this year. I'm probably forgetting a few, but this is probably a decent sized list for now ;)


You seem to have gone through most of them :-). I kind of agree with you that at the moment the quality of blockchain games is probably not really that great. I think when it comes to finition and entertainement, Splinterlands is a notch above all the rest.

Thank you for taking this mission!


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