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RE: Let me introduce you...

in The CTP Swarm2 years ago

Lol, thanks for the background and introduction. From what I've seen on your posts, I think I got most of it already, but picked up on a few interesting points here and there. great idea!

Oooh, that Brisket is looking good there on the Weber 😁


Hey thanks! That is a pork shoulder. I prefer it to brisket. I do need to work on my brisket game though!

Oh, phew, that looks just like a brisket, lol.

The one time I'm pretty sure of what I'm seeing, I got it wrong, haha. I love doing the whole hickory smoked pork belly on my smokey mountain.

That sounds amazing. I have never cooked pork belly besides bacon!

Dude, it's like bacon on steroids! 😋😋😋