Hiking in Colorado's San Juan Mountains at 10,000 ft. Elevation

in Photography2 years ago (edited)

Today, I embarked on a challenging 5 mile journey in the San Juan Mountains near Ouray, Colorado. I'm most definitely going to be sore tomorrow, which is a reasonable price to pay given the beauty I saw up there!

The first few miles, you basically trudge up an 1800 ft. vertical incline of steep switchbacks on narrow trails.

About a mile in, you start getting incredible views of the San Juan mountains. Not to mention those luscious cloud formations everywhere you turn!

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Taking a few breaks along the way was a helpful reminder to slow down and be present, instead of just being focused on getting to the top.

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While I rested, I loved watching the golden quaking aspens shimmer in the wind, creating such gentle and graceful fluttering sounds.

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It's fascinating to think about all the geological and ancient forces that gave birth to these mesmerizing mountains.

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At 10,000 ft. elevation at this point, I was feeling pretty toasty and dreamy at this point.

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And... I finally made it to the Upper Cascade Falls!

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And of course I wanted to climb up the rocks.

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I'm loving my time in the mountains! I'm feeling so much at home here, and can't wait to share more of my adventures before I head on back to California later this week :)


Totally incredible! That's a serious hike but obviously worth it.

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