Stunning Drone Footage From Nettuno Beach, Italy.

in Photography4 years ago (edited)

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Hello and welcome back for another look over Nettuno from the Italian skies. This video was shot over Nettuno beach and with its unique perspective, my Drone (Phantom 3 Pro) has captured all the beauty of this gorgeous coastline. Using some basic editing software, I have pieced together the best bits of footage(Of which there was alot!) and created a nice little video for you to watch.

Flying my drone in such a public place is always a little worrying as I'm never quite sure how people will react. The Phantom 3 is a bit of beast, unlike the Mavic Pro which almost fits into your palm. The size of my drone coupled with the noise it makes does tend to get people's attention but on this occasion, I was lucky enough to be given the all-clear by the local lifeguard. Funnily enough, when he first approached he asked if I was filming a documentary... HaHa! I wish I was that good. After my girlfriend's brother helped out with the English-to-Italian translations, explaining that I was just a regular drone-geek, the lifeguard just instructed me to keep my drone over the water.
"Chocks away old boy!"

As you'll see in the video, I pretty much kept to my promise but the temptation to fly over Nettuno's Cathederal was just too much.

Hope you all enjoy the video and please leave a comment as it's always nice to hear what people think.

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Hi @article61,
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Thanks teamuk!

Amazing View 😮

These drones are great bits of kit. Thanks for stopping by.

from one drone noob to another :D try to avoid those course corrections that make those jerky moves. it is hard to plan, and it is harder to execute, i am just editing something, and i just cut ton of it just because of that course changes and not planing it good enough.

you got some nice shots, and the place looks as a place i would like to visit :D

Hi there, I was hoping you'd pop up. Totally agree on the coarse corrections. I wasted so much footage because of it and was surprised how they get amplified when viewing the footage on large screen. It's almost involuntary to give the levers a little twitch but a habit I have to stop doing. Really enjoyed this location and can't wait for more like it.
I'll keep an eye out for your next vid. Thanks for stopping by and dropping some advice, always appreciated.

Beautiful, love seeing the beach. Thanks so much for sharing.

You're welcome :) And thank you for dropping by to share your thoughts.

Very good, nice to see the area from above. Almost thought the bird was going to attack the drone near the end😲

Haha I was so worried I was going to chop up a seagull. That would not have gone down very well 😂
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