Walking on the Derbyshire Moors and the Longshaw Estate

in Photography3 years ago (edited)

The plan today, was to go on the Derbyshire moors to take a few photos of the heather. We'd been hoping the weather would be a little bit cooler as it's been a bit too hot of late. Unfortunately, the weather went from one extreme to another, we had wind and rain and it gets quite cold on the moors. You just can't win with the UK weather.

It's a good time to see the ling heather as the moors look as though they are carpeted in purple!

After half an hour, we called it a day and hotfooted it over to the Longshaw Estate for lunch.

The estate covers moorland, woodland and farmland and is part of the National Trust.

We walked through the wooded area, passing the fairy houses along the way. Very cute.

I love these stone steps but they can be a bit slippy in bad weather. I decided safety first and walked down the ramped part.

After a bite to eat, we called in at the Information Centre. They had a few gifts in there, so I found myself buying a couple of Christmas presents. You can never start too early! We then went home to get warmed up. It will probably be blistering hot again tomorrow.

Photos by @ellenripley - Julie S. All rights reserved.


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Yesterday, I took a photo of exactly the same tree as in pictures 2 and 3) Very beautiful!

Oh gosh. Small world!

Well, not the same tree, but very similar)

Got you! 🙂

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Manual selection by @elemarg25.

Thank you very much @cccf. Very much appreciated.

beautiful purple - I love that first shot...very perfect!

Thank you. On a perfect weather day, it would have been even more perfect lol.

Oh! Yo! Lovely walk! I should tag along one day! LoL

You'd be most welcome!

Thank you very much! 👍🌷💐🌺🌸

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Thank you @hivebuzz. I can relax now. 😊😇

You're welcome @ellenripley 😊🌹 Yes, you can enjoy your free time a little bit isn't it? Ah ah! Have a nice day.

And so it turns out, you and the outdoors are one.

You've made yourself one with nature. 😅
